Goals update #4

Aug 31, 2008 21:34

Once again, just an update since July. I'll probably do a full overview in Novemeber of December. Or January. *shrug*


More progress:
13) sell the yarn I don’t want (ex. on eBay) or donate it --sent a box to a seller on eBay, hopefully it'll go well
19) knit a second halter top in mercerized cotton --started, in the teal Clea 1000, as shown in the last pre-Boston post
34) read at least 4 chapters of Personal Finance For Dummies or an equivalent book -book has been taken out of library and I've read part of Chapter 1, heh
46) finish reading the Harry Potter series --Book 6 down, one more to go (Book 6 was so much easier to read than 5, silly JKR)
59) cut down current Unfamiliar Songs folder by half
65) rearrange my room at home --it has been re-rearranged, lol
78) get a gift for a friend for no reason at all, twice a year --when I see Sage, I'll give it to her, lol
82) make Chilton add 15 songs from my playlist to his library that isn’t by his usual list of artists --this would be done if Chilton's mp3 player didn't crash *shakes fist*
84) email Kenneth at least once every two months while he is in Boston
86) finish 5 DS games, including Ouendan --working on Urbz (yeah, don't start) and like 2 battles away from finishing Chocobo Tales
87) read 5 articles from the newspaper (can be online) every two weeks for 3 months a year -started in Boston, will need to continue...
92) try 3 new types of cuisine (aka. not Chinese, Japanese, American, French, Korean, or Vietnamnese) --had Mexican in Boston (and also, French should be replaced with Italian...also, I had Italian while in Boston)
99) make a wish list with 50+ items on it --it has like, 12 things on it right now
101) dedicate at least one LJ entry a month to the progress of this list --4/4

Less progress:
6) not spend more than $250 for each of 10 months --I don't even know how much I spent in August...
7) save $5000 over the 1001 days (all spendings and earnings count toward this amount, except the money currently in GICs) --I just paid tuition...I think I might fail this goal...
10) stay off eBay for 8 consecutive months, including browsing (looking at something that someone linked does not count) --this will not happen for a while; I need to watch a few things...
12) have a net of more yarn used than bought over the course of the 1001 days --um, I don't know if I'm above or below my starting, but I'm gonna assume I'm below in an effort to curb getting more
15) have a net of fewer UFOs --started the halter and the socks, though the socks I'll need to frog


I'm really failing my fitness goals. I haven't been working on a single one... *dies* I'm extra-failing my finance goals though. Oh, and am failing all my writing goals, in that I haven't even tried to try. I agreed to try NaNoWriMo??!??! Oh dear...
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