Gonna make this a shorter post, just what I've done or have been working on or have been failing on:
1) be able to do 20 pushups consecutively -actually, I stopped doing exercises... I need to start again...
5) join a yoga class -okay this definitely needs to go on my list for July, look for place in Mississauga to do yoga that I can afford...
6) not spend more than $250 for each of 10 months -as long as I don't spend more than $2 tomorrow, I shall be done 1 of 10 months
8) be debt-free (re: student loans; NSLSC number: 1-888-815-4514) -well, I paid off my student loans, but I guess I should try to be debt-free at the end of the 1001 days, so I'm not crossing this off yet
9) open a bank account at another bank (ie. not TD) and keep enough money in the account to waive the monthly fee -also needs to go on July's list...
12) have a net of more yarn used than bought over the course of the 1001 days (“used” can also mean given away/donated; starting with __ lbs of yarn) -well so far it's true, I gave some yarn to Jessica; I also almost bought yarn at Michael's yesterday but then I put it back down *phew*
13) sell the yarn I don’t want (ex. on eBay) or donate it -this will definitely be July+August's big project, as well as finding a job; anyone interested in my yarn send me a msg, lol
14) spin at least ¼ of the roving I have now (starting with 7.67 lbs of roving) -finally added up how much roving I have *whistles innocently*
15) have a net of fewer UFOs (can get rid of UFO by frogging; current number of UFOs: 9) -counted my UFOs; I frogged one already so I'm at 8, and working on the scarf
26) finish wall-quilt and quilted pillow -fabric has been cut, but um, not pre-washed...I wonder if I can still do it or just leave it, I think it's gonna be a wall hanging anyway...
31) make a jar of paper stars for myself -started it but then stopped *sigh*
32) get into Teacher’s College for a B.Ed or M.Ed (exception is if I decide for certain that I want to pursue a different route) -I've discovered UTM has a program with OISE... *kicks things angrily then sighs* I'm researching, I'm researching
36) learn to understand spoken Mandarin and to speak Mandarin (small conversations) -will be picking up something from the library tomorrow
46) finish reading the Harry Potter series -onto Book 6
48) read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
49) finish reading all MoR contest entries, up to Summer 2007 contest -started rereading all the contests starting from the 1st one
54) watch 5 Disney movies I haven’t yet watched -watched Prince of Egypt and Alice in Wonderland so far
59) cut down current Unfamiliar Songs folder by half by either familiarizing myself with them or removing them (if I don’t like the songs) -working on it
63) sort all university photos and burn them to disc -I had started, but then stopped again...
65) rearrange my room at home -room has been rearranged, it's just not completely clean yet because I need to finish with the yarn
71) learn to play a Vienna Teng piece on piano (ie. sheet music) -working on it, needs more practice to be able to sing+play at the same time
77) find a pen-pal/swap-pal and exchange at least 6 letters and/or items (6 from and 6 to) -I wonder what to send to
hellfire_angel next...
79) contact Sharmila somehow at least twice a year -done for this year
80) contact Bertha, Etta, and Kelvin somehow at least once every two months -done for June
81) reply to every one of Sage’s emails within 3 weeks -so far so good; Saage, email meeee
85) meet with high school friends at least once (at least 3 different friends, together or separately; Laine, Liz, Jon, and Adam do not count, and Ian doesn't count if with Laine, nor Di with Liz)
86) completely finish 5 DS games, including Ouendan (don’t have to get S on all, but have to beat it in all 4 difficulties) ("finish" means finish the story mode, doesn't mean completing 100%) (games completed before May 5th do not count) -done Bomberman - Land Touch 2; playing The World Ends with You now
88) learn to put on eyeliner -not great but it's okay
96) go to a popular music concert (ie. not orchestral concert music) -omg I missed Video Games Live, I am soooooo upset, gaaaaaahhhh
101) dedicate at least one LJ entry a month to the progress of this list -Month #2, done
It's funny, I don't realize I'm sort of kind of working on so many at once. I should stop working on so many and finish some. *sigh*