книги по filmmaking

Sep 20, 2015 12:56

Найдено на http://www.eduardoangel.com/2014/04/20/the-20-best-books-on-filmmaking/
Как читавший парочку, могу сказать, что список как минимум вменяемый, посмотрим, что будет дальше.

1. The Oxford His­tory of World Cin­ema by Edward O’Neill
“This is NOT a Sum­mer read­ing book. Over 800 pages and (4 pounds), this one is per­fect for rainy after­noons while sip­ping cof­fee and dream­ing away.”

2. In the Blink of an Eye Revised 2nd Edi­tion by Wal­ter Murch
“One of my favorite and most inspir­ing books. Any­one inter­ested in video edit­ing, sound design, direct­ing or screen­writ­ing should buy this book immediately.”

3. Master­Shots 100 Advanced Cam­era Tech­niques to Get an Expen­sive Look on Your Low-Budget Movie by Christo­pher Ken­wor­thy
“Effec­tive cam­era tech­niques to increase the pro­duc­tion value of your productions.”

4. The Filmmaker’s Eye: Learn­ing (and Break­ing) the Rules of Cin­e­matic Com­po­si­tion by Gus­tavo Mer­cado
“Under­stand­ing the rules of cin­e­matog­ra­phy and how to suc­cess­fully break them.”

5. Direct­ing: Film Tech­niques and Aes­thet­ics by Michael Rabiger
“An inter­est­ing approach (from a director’s persepc­tive) to script analy­sis and development.”

6. The Color Cor­rec­tion Hand­book: Pro­fes­sional Tech­niques for Video and Cin­ema by Alexis Van Hurk­man
“Grad­ing is such an impor­tant aspect of post-production that under­stand­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ties, and lim­i­ta­tions, is key.”

7. The Tech­nique of Film and Video Edit­ing: His­tory, The­ory, and Prac­tice by Ken Dan­cyger
“A “pre­cise look at the artis­tic and aes­thetic prin­ci­ples and prac­tices of edit­ing for both pic­ture and sound.””

8. Rebel with­out a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Film­maker With $7,000 Became a Hol­ly­wood Player by Robert Rodriguez
“A true inspi­ra­tion to “stop dream­ing and start doing.””

9. Cut­ting Rhythms: Shap­ing the Film Edit by Karen Pearl­man
“There are so many ways to cut and present a story. Under­stand­ing the right “rhythm” of each story is an essen­tial skill.”

10. The Con­ver­sa­tions: Wal­ter Murch and the Art of Edit­ing Film by Michael Ondaatje
“Would you pay $20 to hang out with the edi­tor behind “Amer­i­can Graf­fiti” “The Con­ver­sa­tion,” “Apoc­a­lypse Now,” “The God­fa­ther,” “The Tal­ented Mr. Rip­ley,” and “The Eng­lish Patient?“
Then buy this book.”

11. The Five C’s of Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: Motion Pic­ture Film­ing Tech­niques by Joseph V. Mas­celli
“First pub­lished in 1965 this clas­sic is now more rel­e­vant than ever. My go-to text­book on all my Film­mak­ing Workshops.”

12. Moviemak­ers’ Mas­ter Class: Pri­vate Lessons from the World’s Fore­most Direc­tors by Lau­rent Tirard
“Wit­ness the thought process behind Almod­ovar, Bertolucci, David Lynch, the Coen Broth­ers, John Woo and Woody Allen. Their processes are all very dif­fer­ent and all very effective.”

13. Guillermo del Toro Cab­i­net of Curiosi­ties: My Note­books, Col­lec­tions, and Other Obses­sions by Guillermo del Toro
“Guillermo del Toro’s note­book, the genius behind Hell­boy, The Orphan­age, and Pan’s Labyrinth. Fore­word by James Cameron, after­word by Tom Cruise, and con­tri­bu­tions from Neil Gaiman and John Lan­dis, among others.”

14. Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: The­ory and Prac­tice: Image Mak­ing for Cin­e­matog­ra­phers and Direc­tors by Blain Brown
“Get­ting this book and Amazon’s Instant Video is like get­ting an MFA in Cinematography.”

15. The Big Pic­ture: Film­mak­ing Lessons from a Life on the Set by Tom Reilly
“The book cov­ers 50 short, to the point, extremely use­ful tips that have helped us save an incred­i­bly amount of time and money on pre-production and pro­duc­tion. This book is a fan­tas­tic resource.”

16. The Phi­los­o­phy of the Coen Broth­ers by Mark T. Conard
“A book about the Coen Broth­ers. Enough said.”

17. Direct­ing Actors: Cre­at­ing Mem­o­rable Per­for­mances for Film & Tele­vi­sion by Judith Weston
“Under­stand­ing the tech­ni­cal aspects of film­mak­ing is as impor­tant as learn­ing how to com­mu­ni­cate with the peo­ple you work with, espe­cially when they are NOT pro­fes­sional actors.”

18. Hitch­cock (Revised Edi­tion) by Fran­cois Truf­faut
“Sim­ply put, this is a book-length con­ver­sa­tion between two of the best film direc­tors in history.”

19. The Com­plete Film Pro­duc­tion Hand­book by Eve Light Hon­thaner
“Every­thing you need to know to set up and run a pro­duc­tion. An essen­tial resource if/when you need to work and com­mu­ni­cate with much more expe­ri­enced producers.”

20. Which other book would you recommend?

These are books that I own, have read mul­ti­ple times, truly enjoy, and highly rec­om­mend. My hope is that they help you sharpen your skills, improve your craft, and give you many hours of joy and won­der.\
Here’s the com­plete list on Amazon.com: my top 20 favorite books on film­mak­ing.


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