Jun 01, 2005 07:57
it is possible that i was inappropriate last night. i don't know, because it is too early to call people and ask them. all i know is that last night i vommed on the senate bus, which was possibly the only claim i had to respectability. but i did it quietly and in the bathroom, so in that sense i still get a prize for Always Puking In The Best Place Available.
gala was ok. i am so glad my friends got in... i don't actually know how they did that. that is something else i will ask when it reaches a respectable hour. actually i think i had a great time at gala, it is just that i don't remember enough to claim that with much conviction. how drunk did i have to be to mess up the dance to murder? pretty effing drunk, i say. i love you, sparks and a half.
the next week or so terrifies me. not graduating, but moving and starting a job, these things require a level of competence i am not sure i have. ILAC i am not.