Little gathering at Changi Airport today. It was a rather lovely place to take photos :)
Kyou and Heisa!
They never seem to be able to stay apart when they meet up. :D
Ok ok.. Last one of them. XD;;
All the minis who attended today!
L to R: Kyousuke, Heisa, Chikashi, JR, Yuushi, Syuusuke
All who attended today!
L to R: Fraud, Kyousuke, Heisa, Yuushi, JR, Syuusuke, Chikashi, Shin
crystarlia's Kyousuke
crystarlia's Yuushi
zenith_crimson's Fraud
sho_no_sekai's Shin
Huizhen's JR
babysyusuke's Syuusuke
seekoutastar's Chikashi
Shin and Fraud. Coz they look nice together! :)
Shin and Heisa. Comparison between the Shiwoo and the Hoo. They can be brothers! XD
Kyou jealous that Heisa was taking pictures with Shin and promptly walked away to join the other crowd xD;
Heisa: ;_; Kyou~
Shin and Yuushi. XD
The album is
here :)