The house is mostly quiet as all the guests have left after the "Don't get shot, don't get blown up, don't be careful and stay upwind" party for the legal one.
Good food was consumed with friends. Margaritas were drunk with passion and vigor. Cigars were smoked in the not so cool evening air. Stories, both old and new, were told as we all attempted to forget about the upcoming departure. All in all, it was a great night, one that I will not soon forget as we were all relaxed, some of us for the first time in a while.
It was all a fantastic experience as friends like Mr. Accident and Gun Nut got a chance to meet
orbie and her husband. I talk about these people to the other so it was a novel experience having them all together, in the same room. And just as I figured, stimulating conversation was interspersed with laughter and margaritas.
So thanks to those who could come and we missed those who couldn't be here.
I'm off to bed as the last margarita has made me positively sleepy now.