
Nov 17, 2008 08:53

...Either I've really given up or I'm just too into the holiday mood, because I haven't been getting the inspiration and feeling to write something. I do want to finish Wheel of Fortune asap so I can work on the other multi-chapter fics but I don't feel that passion, that motivation to write.

Instead, I feel the motivation to study ahead for next year. Once I get the new books, I shall go ahead and study them beforehand...that's what I feel like doing. Then once I'm done, I'll rush through the holiday homework and finally prepare for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) which will be on 7 Dec. All in all...I don't feel like writing. Blah.

I don't believe I've ever had this problem before....anyone who did? Can give me some tips or something? 'Cuz if I force myself to do something I don't feel like doing, eg play the piano, it'll end up disastrous. Because it'd feel like my piano and I are not synchronising, since my heart doesn't feel like playing it. How should I put this...? It's like, my piano and I can become one if we sync? Likewise, if I feel like writing, I'd write, or if I feel like drawing, I'd draw. Same concept.


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