Jun 26, 2005 20:36
Okay, first things first, a Con report. With no LJ cut. so perhaps you shouldn't read if you want to avoid many gratuitously horrible cosplay discriptions. you have been warned.
I'll start by saying that I have a new respect for all my friends, because NONE of us are as horribly nerdy as most of the people at the Con. Seriously, I watched two Sailor Moon Cross-players arguing over whether it's better to shave your legs or not. IN FULL COSTUME. AHHHHH! The anime chess match was good, even if they had a bad mic system and the plot was a tad convoluted. I'll sum it up for ya: it was Ed from Full Metal Alchemist vs. Gendo from Eva. It was also pirates against ninjas, so the teams were kind of odd. Here's a run-down: Ed's team had Ed, Al, Winry, Naruto Sasuke and Sakura, Tohru and Yuki from Fruits Basket, Rosette from Chrno Crusade (yes I spelled it right) Vash and Ash (who like to team up for some reason) and Hikaru and Misaki from Angelic Layer. The Pirates (with Gendo, which made them winners by default) had Gendo and Rei, Sousuke from Full Metal Panic, Luffy Zoro and Nami, Kyo from Fruits, Haruko from FLCL, the guy from Ghost in the Shell, Claus from Last Exile, Dark from DNAngel, and Pirates. Some of the fights were funny (like Gendo GENDOWNing Winry, which involves shooting her in the face, and the entire Naruto team fighting the One Piece guys) and it was overall very nicely done, even though Yu Gi Oh showed up and beat the shit out of Ash (I suppose that's a good thing) Technically Gendo won, but then he shot Winry and got disqualified. Boo.
Aaanyways, the voice actors for Full Metal Alchemists had a panel where they showed a short film they made (which was good, but it'll never be on the web...ha ha) Which involved the people who do the voices turning in to their characters and chasing the guy who played Ed around. I applaud them at least for the effort and time they put in to it.
Monkey Punch was supposed to be there, but he couldn't make it *cry* (he made Lupin the 3rd, for you non-nerdish type people out there) (It's an anime)
Select Start had a concert, which totally rocked my socks, and I got their CD for 5 bucks. SCORE!
I decided, after much deliberation and tears, that One Piece is now officially my favorite anime, beating Ranma by a hair. in a far third is Azumanga, followed by Spiral and GetBackers, with Cromartie High sidling up in 6th. It had to be done, and Ranma will always have a special place in my heart. *cries again*
Speaking of One Piece, I am now the proud owner of a One Piece Beach Towel, along with many many figurines. and a cool little Rock Lee keychain (none of the vendors had a Rock Lee plushie, I was a bit angry) Ooh, and a Domo-kun pin. I almost got some J-Rock (Orange Range or Porno Graffitti, for anyone who cares) but it was reeaaallllyyy expensive. They had a Smile.dk CD too, but it was 35 bucks. Aiee.
Watched some Red vs. Blue and some AMVs, and some J-Rock videos. Ate at Hooters (my neck still hurts) and had some snow cones. all around, the only bad thing was the cosplayers. AHHHHHHHH. I'll admit there were some good ones (like a full Gundam and a guy dressed as the prince from Katamari Damacy) but they were vastly outshined by the 500 horrible Narutards. The person that we met up with had a friend who was really cute (and was dressed up as Yuffie, no less) But she lives in Tampa....Le Sigh.
Next Con the GSquad needs to get together and go. I'm completely serious. everyone needs to clear the weekend, and we need to all meet there and just have some fun, without all the infighting and drama that's been going on lately. It'll probably never happen, but hell, I can dream.
And now, I am going to play video games for several hours. Ta~!