Many things I want to cover, but I won't get around to all of them because I won't remember them...such is my short attention span.
First off, today I watched the Naruto movie. Let me get something straight: I enjoy the manga, but the series never really interested me all that much. I think it's because of all the ten-year-old Narutards and their 35-year-old overbearing parents. But I digress. Here's the synopsis, in a few easy to swallow words (unless you don't like swallowing words, in which case I will have a physician administer them rectally) Even if you don't really like Naruto all that much, at least give the movie a try. It has a pretty good story, and shows some cool little ninja skills that aren't in the regular show. I give it a 6.5/10.
As I was writing that, I thought of the One Piece Movie (movie four, for those of you keeping score at home) This I would highly recommend, even to non-anime fans. The visuals are stunning (including a 2 minute CG shot at the beginning that was very nice) and the humor and fighting are on par with the best in the regular season. And Robin uses a sweet hand move thing...well, it's hard to explain. it beats the second movie by a full point at a score of 9.5/10.
Now on to non-movie related news. Terrence recently wrote a very nice statement on religion in his LiveJournal, here's a link: This would make a very nice thesis for a research paper, if I was still in school...anyway, check it out if you have the time.
Nextly, (nextish? nexter? Hell, I dunno) I'm getting sick of answering the same questions over and over about my new job, so I will now sum up what I do. I hand out tools. THAT'S IT. Nothing more to it people, no need to inquire further, because there is no further. Every day I'll have a friend come up and ask what I do, then, keep asking what else I do. I DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE. STOP ASKING. (I'm not angry, it's just getting annoying)
I'm going to be switching my screenname soon (probably tonight or tomorrow) and I'll post it when I do. Yes, this means I'll be on IM more, no, this doesn't mean I'll be playing games more. I'm taking a break from gaming right now, at least until my birthday. (Which is July 20, if you don't have it marked down already. Email me for a list of things I want) "Why would you take a break from gaming?" you may be asking yourself. That in of itself is stupid, because yourself doesn't know the answer to that question. To put it simply, I'm getting sick of people wanting me to play games, and then whenever I get on, no one else is. and even if they are, they're so much higher (or so much lower) than me that it isn't really a fun experience. (this goes for WoW, Guild Wars, Star Wars Galaxies, Gunbound [Gunbound got boring] and Maple story for the three days I actually played it. Not trying to single out one particular group of friends, because all of you [that's right, ALL] are doing it. Don't try to tell me to IM you or call you, I've gotten too many "I've been playing all day"s and "I'm playing some other game right now"s.)
Phew, got that Emo out. Was bugging me. Moving on...
I will be at a Con on the 24-26, but I have no idea what Con it is, honestly. I'm being forced against my will to go. (well, not really, but still.) So if you're going to a Con soon and you think it's the same one, drop me a line and we'll meet up or something.
This post just keeps going on!
I dropped a piece of searing hot melted plastic on my finger today, and it burns like the dickens. We coat our weapons...err, tools in plastic that hardens really fast, but a little bit decided it wanted me in pain. I'll be okay, but damn, it stung when it first hit.
I'm still thinking of putting together a little D&D in Naples, so if you want to be an adventurer, drop me a line. I'll save room for four (because I don't think I could handle more than four right now) and I think Victor already wanted a spot. As does Nicole. I think.
My crotch itches.
Yes you read correctly way up there, someone wants me to play Star Wars Galaxies. Let's just say I would rasther choke on a Latex glove.
Someday I hope to be involved in all this drama that people talk so much about on LiveJournal. It sounds bad, but seriously, nothing ever seems to get me furiously angry or regretfully sad. I get along too well with everyone. Am that friend that everyone comes to for comfort? Am I that guy that seems to have no problems, so other people can enjoy life? Maybe I should become a comedian. I've always said (well, not always, but for a few years at least) that it is my life's goal to make people laugh. I seem to be doing a good job, maybe I could make it in to a career. Hell, I dunno.
Oh, and the reason I want to game around my birthday...that's when WORMS F'ING 4 COMES OUT. Oh hell yeah, I said it. Makes me want to put in Armageddon and rope race a victory lap. Or maybe put in Vice City and run over an old lady. Choices...
Oh yes, I promised a speech about how much I hate customers. I'll make it quick, as I'm kinda falling asleep. (mind you, I've been writing this for 45 minutes now, current time 8:45) Before I worked at FYE, I had nothing against any culture, race, sex, or religion. Mostly that has stayed true, I mean, I couldn't care less what religion you are, and breasts aren't bad. Unfortunetaly, I am now a racist against every color of the rainbow (including white) And more realistically, the people I hate the least are black people. To put it simply, they know what they're looking for, they know where to find it, and they have more brain cells than a cantaloupe (which is a lot better than the goth community, but I wouldn't put them on the level of produce; that's too high a tier) White people are hopeless, not having enough mental capacity to look for the Pop/Rock section on their own...Latin people and mexican people hate each other but they both act in the same arrogant, 'I'm gonna trash this section for fun' way. French people ask for obscure techno, then when we've never heard of it proceed to swear at us in French until we escort them out. Germans are in the clear as well, at least I can understand them when they ask for The Eagles. Then there's the white sub-cultures. Goths, you aren't cool because you wear black and hate your parents. Grow up. Wiggers, you are NOT BLACK. Look in a damn mirror once in a while, and stop pretending to be gangsta because you listen to 'fitty. Get shot eight times and then talk over music about it, then come talk to me about being gangster. Old people, it doesn't matter how close you are to dying on the floor in the store, if I was helping someone before you, they're going to get the help finished before I can go get your Josh Groban CD. And people with kids, for God's sake, DON'T GIVE THEM WHISTLES! If you work in the mall, you know what I'm talking about. Here's some other common answers to questions: No, Fernando, I don't want to get naked with you. No, random person on the phone, I do not have tickets to the rodeo, because I am not turned on by men getting trampled by bulls. No, latin person, we do not seperate the latin and mexican sections. No Fernando, I still don't want to get naked with you. No, Latin person, we do not have "duranges del muy amor del grupo climaxo chichiculilute", so please stop asking for it. No, white girl, we do not have the Lindsey Lohan CD because your jock boyfriend's "buds" stole them all to sell them to unassuming internet customers. No Fernando, please put your pants back on before I call security. Finally, no, we do not stock the latest anime, mostly because that would be a smart thing to do.
I suppose anything else I have to say can wait until later, because I forgot what it was. until the next exciting adventure.
~Via the Fortress of Solitude