Busy again

Apr 15, 2007 20:35

 My Aunt went home today. We had a great time celebrating my Nanny's birthday. We took her out for supper and we got a cake for her that said "Happy Sweet 16". The waiter tried to give the cake to me :D He was a really funny guy. Plus I got to have deep fried ice cream, which is the best thing in the world.

So we spent most the weekend out at the mall and visiting people. My Aunt Lori and Uncle Steven bought property out past the air port near a lake. They're going to build a huge house! It's going to have a barn, too, for some Newfoundland Ponies. They also have two dogs. Bailey is a really tiny dog and Riley is a huge German Shepard. They also have three kids (One 18, another is 17, and the other is 12.) I'm so jealous! They're house is going to be so awesome. Plus they can go swimming whenever they want.

I need to beat Suikoden 3 again so I can give it back to Ivan, so I can borrow Suikoden 5. But I kind of really want to borrow his Bloody Roar game. I can't remember what number it is, but it's a got a chick with red hair on the cover. I just want to play a fighting game again. I don't really have many, and I really like Bloody Roar. I really like Busuzima the Chameleon (Because the chameleon is just so bitchin'). He can stretch his arms out really far, which is good for fighting Ivan since he likes to back off, then take off at you unleashing crazy combos. I like playing with Ivan, but I haven't really played it long enough to learn many combos for Busuzima and he never lets me take time to learn >_>

I drew some more last night. I drew a weird samurai-like character. I was going to use her for something, I don't remember exactly what though. But I like the way she turned out.

Early to bed tonight! I haven't slept in my own bed in days <3 So comfy <33


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