Just as the title says... well I could do summary instead of this post but who cares I have a lot of plans and resolutions (though I am not sure if I should call them like that... Kind of doesn't fit...)
2017 just had started and I thought how busy I will be this year. First let's start from a job - I need to work even harder to make sure I'll get a promotion and feel more secure. Even though I don't like what's going on there I know a lot about the process and I am good at my job. So I decided to stay for a while longer and check what it'll bring me. Hope my nerves will handle that...
Then we have my personal plans... From March till July I have really tight schedule starting from X-Japan concert in London... In May I am going with my beloved friends to Japan for only more than 2 weeks and I am counting days. It'll be a dream come true for sure and I am lucky enough to share it with my friends. July will bring me another meeting with my teachers - another Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. What can I say - I couldn't skip this opportunity... Hopefully this time I won't end up with laryngitis from singing too much like I did last time xD for the second part of year we have a tiny trip planned, but only for a weekend. Quite a lot, right? And it's still not everything XD Not mention that I would love to go to Birmingham on October 27-29 to Official Sherlock Convention but unfortunately I can't... After quite expensive year I won't afford it plus I am not so sure if I get the days off... Can't get everything, right?
Add somewhere in between all of things I mentioned above my writing plans... As you know it's quite a lot of those, seeing my
list and I am sure some will be added in the meantime... You know me, I have tons of ideas. Like millions an hour xD Became slow writer though... Hopefully will speed up soon, I really want to but that depends on few factors like time and inspiration... I guess my intention to create everything faster than now can be counted as a resolution. I have one more, though this cannot be taken as something sure. I thought that maybe I should start reading more (like... start to reading at all xD). This will happen only if I find some spare time and won't have to focus more on my writing which has high priority for me and some others.
Well, folks, I think that's it...