Please forgive me my typos and grammar mistake, I am so damn tired that I barely can keep my eyes open and I still am writing here a little post to keep you updated with my boring life...
Well, few things happened, like A week ago (a bit more than a week) I went to the capital city to take JLPT N4 level... Don't ask about the results, I will know them in September. In general the passing two weeks were really tough for me. Work was okay and still is. I got a permanent contract so at least I am certain that I have a work (unless I will make a very serious mistake or will find something better which is almost impossible in my country). This is a good news. But it was passed by problems at home and very tensed atmosphere, which make me think again if there is a sense for me to exist... I won't write any details here because I don't want to go back to that... Enough said that I was crying quite a lot at nights...
From the better news, I got on fire and started to write. My vampire fic is nearly finished, I have to write 3 chapters and maybe an epilogue, so bear with me a bit. To think I was writing it from September 2012!! O_O Then I have my collabo with
syunikiss1990 which is a bit more than halfway through. Also fic promised for
yuuki_saya and collabo with her. I remember! I just have to finish that bloody multichap and will be able to focus on anything else :) But for now I have ban for writing, for few days. I drained myself and I am exhausted... I need to rest, REALLY rest so I am going to sleep in a few...
Just randomness of my boring life... If you don't want to read it just don't click and scroll down :P