Johnny's Academy part III: Around Campus

Dec 14, 2009 15:43

“Nice to meet you too,” you say, ignoring his hand, but giving a short, acknowledging bow. The boy looks a little sad at being unable to get a hand shake, but shakes it off with a grin. Jun coughs, then pokes Tanaka-kun in the shoulder.

“looks like she cut you right off, then.” He grins, putting a hand on your shoulder without thinking. Ninomiya clicks his tongue, chuckling slightly at this.

“well, well, then, Jun-Jun…” he grins. Matsujun drops his hand in a flustered way.

“Where is Kazuya?” you ask, breaking the tension of the moment. Jun looks at you, then motions across the school grounds. “Oh, he’s over on the baseball diamond. Wanna go watch him play?”

“Sure…” you say, thinking softly, “but didn’t he say he’d meet me in the cafeteria when I was done?” Jun laughed, “yeah, but I think he counted on you being a ‘reminiscing type’ who actually took time to put away your stuff. He’s still at practice… I can tell because I can hear the racket his team is making.”

You blush, and mutter “well sorry,” as he motions for you to follow him, grinning widely.


As you approach the baseball diamond, you can see a fight breaking out between two of the members of the team. Kamenashi-kun shoves himself between the two boys, and tries to stop the fighting, but then spots you out of the corner of his eye. Jun runs ahead of you to help Kame settle the squabble, but you run to catch up to them.

A lanky boy with short, black hair stands huffily next to the boy he was fighting with, a smaller, stockier boy with brown hair. The stockier boy is saying something, but it’s too quiet to hear. Kamenashi ignores the two boys however, and trots up to you with a grin.

“That didn’t take very long,” he says as he arrives near you. Jun laughs, and steps towards the other boys. “I think I’m gonna mediate for Junnosuke and Jin, okay?” he states, leaving you and Kamenashi alone for the moment. Kamenashi motions back towards the school building.

“Have you had a look around, yet?” he asks. You shake your head, “not yet… just sort of came out with Jun when he dropped by my room.” Kamenashi looks downtrodden at the mention of Jun’s name, but tries not to show it.

“Shall we go, then?” he asks, taking a step towards the school. You follow, glancing once more towards the boys on the baseball team. The two boys, (Junnosuke and Jin was it?), stare after you, and the taller one lifts his hand in recognition. You do the same, and he grins, elbowing the shorter one. The shorter one calls after Kazuya, “Oi, next time, introduce your friend, eh?” and Kazuya’s shoulders tense. You catch up and see that he’s blushing slightly.

“What’s wrong, Kazuya?” you ask, trying to get ahead of him to see his expression. He makes eye contact, and his face flushes more.

“Ah, I, uh, I-“ he stammers, breaking eye contact and looking at the ground. Suddenly he trips on a rock, fumbles, and lands on top of you. Again you make eye contact, and see that his eyes are wide as saucers. The two of you stay completely still a moment, then Kamenashi gets to his feet, then helps you to your feet.

“I. Am. So. Sorry.” He says pleadingly. His entire face is now bright red. You burst out laughing suddenly.

“What just happened?” you ask, not really believing it yourself. “I don’t know, you tell me?” asked Jun, trotting up beside you and Kamenashi. Kamenashi gives him a dirty look, and then glances back at you.

“I tripped…is…all…” he says embarrassedly.

“Really~~~” Jun says in an evil tone, elbowing Kame in the ribs. “Why don’t you just tell her, already,” he whispers in Kazuya’s ear. Kazuya’s ears are burning now, too.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be, sempai?” he asks, pointing in no direction in particular. You look at these two; they act like you’re not even here anymore. You clear your throat.

“hey. I still haven’t seen the rest of the school…” you say, pointing at the building that’s now close enough to walk into. Kamenashi’s eyes snap onto you.

“Sorry-let’s go!” he blurts out, grabbing your hand and leading you into the building. You glance back to see Jun standing in place with his arms folded, almost angrily.


Kazuya leads you around the rest of the building, showing you nearly every open room on the campus. Finally, you arrive on the second floor, looking at a strangely placed balcony. Kazuya beckons you to come outside with him, and you both lean against the railing and look out over the entire campus. You can see Ryo and Maki walking together, their hands just barely bumping into one another.

“looks like it didn’t take long for them to get back together. That’s good though, it means he’ll lay off me.” Kamenashi says, motioning to the couple.

“why was he so focused on you, though?” you wonder aloud. Kamenashi glances at you, then back at the couple.

“a couple of reasons. One of them is that he’s head of the baseball club. Another is that I stood up for one of the newer members-this kid, Ueda. He was being picked on for being a shrimp by Ryo, and when I told him to cut it out, he took it personally. Another is that…. Well… Maki kind of told him she was looking for a new man. Probably just to rile him up, because they were fighting, but… I think she might have named me as one of the guys she’d like to end up with-not that I have any interest in her, or anything-“ he stutters, the last words flying out of his mouth in a fury.

You glance at him, and then back down at the ground. “Wow, that’s a lot more reason than I thought. But why wouldn’t you want to go with Maki, I mean… she’s gorgeous, and really popular. Seems like a good match, doesn’t it?” you say, looking back up at him. His eyes soften.

“I kind of have someone else in mind…” he says, leaning in towards you very, very slowly. Your eyes meet, and he moves his hand towards your face, pushing a lock of your hair away. Cupping the back of your head in his hand, he kisses you very softly, and then pulls away, shocked at what he just did.

What’s going on-did he really just do that???

kamenashi kazuya matsumoto jun taguchi j

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