Nov 20, 2008 22:22

Koki, did you stay with me all night?

a hand brushes my cheek...

i awake with a start, but only find Junnosuke staring wide-eyed at me, slightly upset that i've awoken.

"i didn't mean to wake you up..." he says, looking out the window, blushing.

"I don't mind," i mutter, resting my head on his chest. we exhale in unison, before an older man clears his throat behind us. i whirl around, to see Johnny-san, holding a bouquet of sunflowers and a little get-well card. Yuichi and Tatsuya are trailing behind him, awkwardly.

"sorry to interrupt, boys," Johnny-san says, still sounding amused by our relationship. i stand up and bow, while Junnosuke looks away, intensely embarassed by the fact that people came to see him.

"How are you feeling, Taguchi?" Yuichi pipes up, sticking his head into the door.  Junnosuke cracks a smile, and says "loads better, thanks."

why are they all here... i know Johnny-san had to "think about something", but what could it be? ...  it can't be that we're fired, can it?!

Johnny-san continues, "well boys, i've been thinking... and i think that our duets need to be re-assigned.  the Tanaka-Nakamaru and Taguchi- Kamenashi have been done so many times, after all..." he says, winking cheerfully.

"Does that mean, that--" Tatsuya looks surprised.

"yes, you'll be doing a duet with Yuichi-kun." Johnny-san answers. Tatsuya looks so pleased, he throws his arms around Yuichi. Yuichi looks stunned, yet ecstatic.

"Sir, i don't mean any disrespect, but... shouldn't Kamenashi-kun be present for this information?" i asked, looking up at Johnny-san quizzically.

"well, i tried to get a hold of him, but... i couldn't find him, or Akanishi-kun anywhere." Johnny-san said quietly.

of course you'd go missing, after pulling a stunt like this. i ignore the mention of your name.

"well, thats all i wanted to tell you. the doctors have said that you're free to go when you please, Taguchi-kun. i'll be contacting you shortly about the re-scheduled duets. this pushes back the release dates, but i know your fans won't mind." Johnny-san says, backing out of the door.

"thank you sir," i call, watching as Yuichi and Tatsuya rush towards taguchi and i.

"Junnosuke, what happened?" Tatsuya asks worriedly.

Junnosuke's face hardens, and his grip on my hand tightens.

"i... i was just sick, thats all-- overworked." he lies, and the others can tell. Yuichi drops down beside the bed, putting a hand next to Junnosuke's shoulder.

"We know what Jin did when you were in the relationship with him. you don't have to hide it anymore..."  he says softly, then watches as Junnosuke's facade crumbles. he sobs, anger seething through him so much that he shakes.

"i just don' t know what to do anymore... no matter what, someone gets hurt... if its me, i'm okay-- i can take it, but... i can't imagine if it was Koki..." he chokes. i squeeze his hand reassuringly.

"but, i can't handle it when he hurts you." i say as softly as possible. Yuichi runs his hand through Junnosuke's hair sympathetically.

"Koki, there's only one way that you can solve this.." Tatsuya says, looking piercingly at me.

i know i must confront him. but i'm honestly scared.

i nod at Tatsuya.

"i know, and i will." i reply.


many weeks pass by, and soon it is valentines day.

junnosuke and i have a special date planned, after we finish the recording of our duet. its amazing, how well our voices go together...

i leave the studio earlier than he does, going to set up for our date. you haven't approached us since the time junnosuke ended up in the hospital.

its a cold, snowy day, but i know that the weather won't matter to Junnosuke. we can be happy tonight.

at the studio, you cast guilty glances back and forth between Kame and Junno. Junno sees you, but pretends not to notice. you text him, "meet me outside. important stuff to talk about."

outside the studio is a brick walled building, an alleyway into the dark streets of tokyo. the moment Junnosuke is out of earshot from the building, you block his path and begin to shout insults, whatever you can think of, maliciously.

"Shut up you bastard! i'm so tired of this!" Junno croaks, shoving you aside. you catch him by his shirt collar, taunting him like every other time.

"You're fed up? you? i should be saying the same thing-- you little cockroach! you just won't go away. why don't you just leave? it would make koki's life so much easier!" you sneer, knowing how angry and upset it makes him. But, Junnosuke stands his ground. literally shaking with rage, he inhales sharply, then answers, "No, Akanishi-kun. you should leave."

you freeze, muscles tensing. Junno knows what is coming, but at least he said what he needed to.

"i should skin you, you little bastard." you hiss, wrenching him backward and tossing him to the ground. You pause, staring straight into his eyes, but he doesn't flinch.

"but i won't. i'll just hurt you in a way you can't forget. you won't forgive yourself for what i'm about to do-- you can't stop it. you won't. its like i keep telling you: he is mine. my property. i deserve him, and you don't."

"don't touch him, or i swear i'll--"

"you'll what? you can't do anything! you're useless-- a nothing!"

Junnosuke loses control. he lashes out with his legs, knocking you back. he jumps to his feet and swings his arms wildly. while he isn't particularly strong, his sheer size and flexability make him formidable. you're caught off-guard and his fist connects with your jaw. blind with rage, junnosuke jumps on top of you and begins punching you.

" i am so sick of you!!! just because you're marketable, you honestly think you're better than everyone else! Sex sells, eh Akanishi? then use it," he yells, his strength slipping with each punch. "after all, you used it on me," he finishes, his voice cracking.

you shove your hand upward, catching Junnosuke off guard, and throw him off you. pushing his head to the ground, you thrust your knee into the center of his back, pinning him to the ground.

"yeah, i used it on you all right. now i'll definately use it on him, too. if it worked so well on you, then it'll do wonders on him," you whisper in his ear," after all, you just keep coming back."

Junnosuke growls, but you keep him pinned hard to the floor.

"this is what's best. i'm taking whats mine, and you can't stop me any more," you whisper, kissing Junnosuke roughly on the cheek, then driving you knee hard into his back, knocking the wind out of him.

Junnosuke lies on the floor, fighting for breath, his mind racing;

what will he do? when will he do it? i can't stop it-- i can't-- he's too strong: too determined. i'm going to lose him. i'm going to lose Koki.
little tears roll out of the corners of his eyes.

t-t kat-tun tanaka koki taguchi junnosuk

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