[FIC multi chapter] Angels exist ch 4

Jun 26, 2008 11:17

Title: Angels exist 
Pairing: Akame
Rating: NC-17 (beginning of fantasy content)
Chapter: 4/?
Disclaimer: I do not own either Kame nor Jin, just the plot, sadly. But Akame owns me.
Summary: Kame enters a life full of dreams and mystic
Warning: Fantasy, some sex and still possessive Jin
 Author's note: the fic will get a new turn from this chapter on. I always wanted to write about akame including fantasy and well kind of religious contents. So if you don't like fantasy and mystery then don't continue reading, for everyone else, who like to enter a world of spiritual and fantastic events I hope you enjoy this chapter. There definitely won't be angst or dark mystery! And to spoil you a bit I have plenty of ideas for this fic, so it won't end so soon.

A week had passed since Kazuya had moved in with Jin and basicly he stayed inside their appartment while Jin was off to work from morning to late afternoon. At first Kazuya didn't mind it at all, when Jin left he crawled back into the bed and mostly slept until late noon. Then mostly he cleaned up and began cooking their dinner which he had to admit gave him a warm feeling of happiness and being at home finally. Actually he had never felt comfortable in his own small appartment, but here it was different, once he had seen Jin's stylish and modern appartment he had felt good and at ease.

But as days passed by and Jin didn't even let him go to buy grocery insisting he'd bring them from work, Kazuya began to think if this was all so ok for him.

So while he was preparing their dinner that day he decided he would talk to Jin, he had to.

The clock turned fife PM and as usual Kazuya heard the keys which opened the front door and a few moments later two strong arms encircled his slender waist and a soft kiss landed on his neck.

„Hey baby, I'm back, missed you so much during work“, Jin purred into his ear.

„Missed you too, Jin. How was your day“, Kazuya asked leaning back against the taller man.

„Boring as usual. Hmm this smells really good, can I help you in any way“, Jin offered his help kissing his neck some more.

„You could set the table, that would be kind“, the younger one replied purring.

Jin nodded letting go off him he got plates and cutlery to set the table.

Kazuya brought the food over, fried fish with rice and tempura. They sat down and enjoyed the delicious meal chatting about nothing in particular until Kazuya suddenly looked at Jin with a serious expression.

„Jin, there is somethig I want to talk about with you“, he said kind of nervous.

„Hm ok, can we cuddle on the couch while we talk“, Jin asked watching the other closely. Kazuya nodded, cleaning the table while Jin prepared two hot chocolates for them.

They cuddled close on the luxurious black leather couch and for some moments there was silence.

„So what is it, you want to talk about, baby“, Jin finally broke the silence caressing his lover gently.

„Jin, I really love you and I like being at home, but since one week you don't even let me buy grocery or leave this appartment at all. And I start to feel a bit imprisoned. Are you afraid I wouldn't come back? I always would, Jin“, Kazuya began hesitantly avoiding to look at the latter. He felt Jin's grip on him tightening and it took the older man several moments until he finally answered.

„I just don't want you to get hurt. I wouldn't forgive myself, if something happens to you out there, Kazuya“, he said with a rough voice.

„I won't get hurt, why should I? I'm not that weak, Jin. And furthermore I finally want to know why this one room is locked all the time“, Kazuya continued now facing Jin looking straight into his eyes.

Jin bit his bottom lip hard shaking his head slightly.

„No Jin I want to know, if you want to spend your life with me I have a right to know“, the younger said his voice strong and serious. Jin closed his eyes for a moment sighing deeply.

„Ok, I will tell you, though I think it is too early, but seems I have no choice“, he said opening his eyes slowly.

„No you don't, so tell me“, Kazuya agreed watching the other carefully.

„Ok, I will and I want you to listen carefully now, because for outsiders this is hard to believe nor understand“, Jin began and somehow he seemed to look much older than he actually was, Kazuya thought. He nodded silently.

„When I was ten years old I almost died in the sea. They could rescue me in the last second, but for some moments I was unconcious and well left this world. You have to know I am catholic, my mum raised me quite religious and I myself am very religious. I believe in God and Jesus Christ. I believe god guides us human and after we die we go into heaven“, Jin began telling Kazuya looking at him the whole time.

„I see, a friend of mine is catholic too, but what does that have to do with me being locked in“, he asked confused.

„Let me continue you will soon understand why“, the older one said and took a sip from his chocolate.

Kazuya nodded again.

„Since that day I have a dream which I dream almost every night. When I saw the person in this dream for the first time I immediately knew he was an angel, he had a bright glow around his features and seeing him sent a feeling of pure happiness and faith through my whole body. At first I couldn't tell, if he was male or female, but with time I got aware he was male. For a long time he just stood there and smiled at me, but with the years he repeated one sentense again and again. He begged me to safe him to show him what true love is. I even could begin asking him questions but the only answers I got were that he was waiting for me to find him and that he was my angel“, Jin stopped speaking facing Kazuya as to make sure the latter was at least trying to believe his words.

„That's a wonderful dream, Jin. And you still see him nowadays“, Kazuya smiled at him caressing his face.

„No, cause I found him finally. The moment I saw you at the spa I knew you are that angel and I knew I had to take you with me to fulfil his wish and show him true love. Kazuya, you are my angel and I swear by my life I will safe you and give you all my love until the day I die“, Jin continued still with a serious expression.

„Me? I'm no angel, Jin. I'm just a boy who“, he stopped upruptly looking down biting his lip so hard that he drew blood.

„A boy who lost his memory, I know that Kazuya, he told me himself. And that only I will be able to bring them back to you, to put the pieces of your life together again and you can be sure I will do everything to do that“, Jin finished Kazuya's sentense.

The younger one stared at him with wide eyes and slowly Jin could see he began believing him.

„This is incredible, I never told this to anyone, Jin“, he audibly said.

„I know more about you than you think, baby. And I will give you your memory back, your true identity“, Jin smiled his eyes shining brightly.

„But how? I can't remember anything, Jin. All my memories I still have go back to an age of like nineteen, so basicly only two years back“, Kazuya asked and the doubt was clearly heard in his voice.

„I studied. And thus leads to the locked door. Come with me, I will show you what is inside this room“, Jin said getting up offering him a hand. Kazuya followed him towards the locked door feeling excited and nervous at the same time. Jin carefully opened the door and turned on a dimmed light leading the younger one inside.

Kazuya gasped loudly looking around. What he saw almost let him loose his balance and he held on Jin's sleeve tight.

He was standing in a libery, the walls were covered with high shelves filled with lots of books, old books. There was a table in the center of the room and on the table an open book, a candle and several small glasses filled with something Kazuya couldn't quite make out what is was. One shelf also held raws of glasses. Then there was a chair and in one corner stood a shining sword. As Kazuya carefully stepped closer to the table he could take a look at the opened book. It was written in a foreign language illustrated with winged little creatures, flowers and other decorating patterns. Now he could also see the glasses weree filled with dried herbs and flowers and leaves. He went over to one shelf looking at the ancient books which mostly seemed to be either in english or latin. Turning to Jin he looked at him unable to say any word but his eyes spoke a clear language asking desperately for explanation.

„You see, this is my secret second life, baby. When the dreams became more frequent I began to study about what angels really are and soon I also got interested in old legends and well, bit by bit I learned more about the original texts from the bible, about the arch angels, and the old celtic religion which soon led to the legends of elves and even magic. After some years of studying on my own I met my mentor who educated me in simple magic and who shared his knowledge with me. Sadly he had to go back to his home country, but I learned enough now to fulfil my mission“, Jin explained sounding calm yet Kazuya couldn't deny hearing a strong will in his voice. And when he looked into Jin's eyes he could see the wisedom of a man who usually would be at the age of sixty or even older. Jin suddenly had an aura of majesty and authority around him that Kazuya shifted slightly nervous. Jin walked over to him and hugged him tight.

„You don't have to be afraid, baby. If you want I will share all my knowledge with you. If you want to enter a world, so fantastic and incredible, full of wonders and dreams, I will be the happiest man, but I will not force you,“, he said calmly stroking the latters back.

„This is just so, I can't find the right words now, Jin. Please give me time to understand what you just told me“, Kazuya said hesitantly holding onto the older tightly.

„Of course, baby take all your time you need. And when you want me to tell you more just say it“, Jin said with a soothing voice.

„Un, and you think you will be able to bring back my memories, Jin“, the younger one asked raising his head looking at him.

„Yes I am, baby, but it is a long process and first you have to be willing to even enter this world. Come on let's go back, I guess this was enough for the first time, ok“, Jin smiled and kissed his nose lightly. Kazuya nodded and after locking the door again they spent the rest of the evening cuddled on the couch.

And Jin even promised the following day he'd come home earlier and they'd go shopping together, though he still didn't allow Kazuya to go outside alone. And somehow Kazuya sensed this had to do with his lost memory, his wish to find out what really happened to him grew much more intense that night.

That night he hardly could sleep, his mind was too occupied with what Jin had told him and when morning came he had made a decision. If anyone could help him find out about his past it was Jin.

He got up even before Jin woke up and prepared breakfast for them thinking of how and when he'd tell his lover what he had decided on.

As usual Jin left with giving him a last kiss but this time Kazuya didn't go back to bed. Instead he turned the computer on and began collecting information about everything Jin had told him about. And he was surprised how many sites he found regarding this topic.

He read about the fallen angel lucifer who ruled hell, about the arch angels and their missions and relations towards god and human. About the ancient war in heaven between two groups of angels one led by arch angel Gabriel the other led by arch angel Michael. That this war went on for thousand years now and none would win until the day the chosen one would come and end this war bringing peace back to heaven. He read about nephtalins, human who had an angel and a human as parents. That this happened only a few times in history when an angel was sent to earth and got a woman pregnant so she would give birth to a mixed creature who was holy and human at the same time. While Kazuya read eagerly shudders ran down his spine and a never known feeling rose in him. He couldn't even tell what it was.

He saved every tiny bit of information he could find then he began searching for more about celtic religion and was greeted with a huge amount of information. The only problem was that most sites were in english, so he tried his best to understand what he was reading. And the more he read the more he was fascinated. Especially regarding druides and high priests with their magical abilities made him even more curious. This was a world so far from the boring reality, it allowed those who were in it a level of spirit and yet even power that only monchs in deep meditation could reach. Kazuya was so into reading and gathering information that he didn't even hear Jin returning home. Only when the latter hugged him from behind he almsot jumped up with a shriek.

„Hey baby, missed you, what are you doing there“, Jin nibbled at his ear lobe gently.

„Um reading about what you told me“, Kazuya purred leaning against his lover.

„I see and does it interest you, baby“, the older asked proceeding to nip at the other's neck.

„No it fascinates me. I even forgot to cook, gomen ne“, Kazuya blushed a bit.

„That makes me very happy, Kazu. And no worries I actually wanted to treat you out tonight“, Jin smiled kissing his neck.

„We go out? Really? Ahh then I have to get dressed“, Kazuya jumped up almost knocking Jin to the floor.

„Yes we do. And just wear something casual, baby, ok.“, Jin smirked. Kazuya nodded and ran off into their bedroom while Jin sat down in front of the computer. He skimmed quickly over the site Kazuya had read and smiled happily. Then he shut down the computer and waited for his gorgeous lover to be ready.

It was almost midnight when they returned home giggling. Once the door was closed Jin picked his lover up bridal style and carried him into their bedroom laying him down onto the soft bed. He was so longing to touch and kiss him finally. Hovering above Kazuya he bent down and kissed him deep his hands finding their way under his shirt easily. Kazuya moaned into his mouth wrapping his arms around the older man's neck. When they finally broke apart they looked into each other's eyes for several moments before Jin began undressing him.

„God you are so breath taking beautiful, Kazuya“, Jin said honestly as he kissed the milky skin of his chest. He played with the cute nipples earning soft moans from his lover. Slowly he kissed downwards across his flat belly.

„Do you feel good, baby“, he asked as he began licking the latters hardened flesh.

„Oh god yes I do“, Kazuya moaned loud arching into the touch. Jin went on with licking and sucking him firmly slowly inserting one finger in him then another one carefully stretching him.

„Ahh Jin please“, Kazuya groaned pleading. Smirking Jin withdrew from him and crawled up to him again.

„Ready for me, baby“, he asked already knowing the answer as Kazuya nodded eagerly. He bent down and kissed him again carefully entering him. Kazuya moaned loud into the kiss holding onto Jin's shoulders. For some moments he stayed still allowing Kazuya to get used to the feeling then he began moving.

„Ahh Jin more, please, ahh“, Kazuya groaned loud moving against the older one. And Jin obeyed speeding up his thrusts got harder as he hit the other's sweet spot repeatedly making him groan even louder. They found a perfect rhythm soon and Jin grabbed Kazuya's manhood stroking it simultanly doubling the feeling for him making him come first with a loud scream of his name. Jin followed only seconds later deep inside him. Rolling to the side he pulled Kazuya close to him while they waited until their raged breaths went back to normal.

„Jin“, Kazuya asked after a while.

„Yes baby“, the later asked back caressing him tenderly.

„I made a decision. I want to learn. Please tell me more about all this“, he smiled placing kisses along Jin's collarbone.

„Really? Oh baby that makes me so happy. Yes I will tell you everything I know“, he smiled bright holding his beloved in close embrace.

„Un if someone can bring back my lost memories it is you, Jin“, the younger one said in between kisses.

„You will get it back, baby, I promise. And I will teach you everything I learned from my mentor“, Jin said smiling at him with love filled eyes.

„Un this mentor, who is he? Can you tell me more about him“, Kazuya asked curious planting kisses all over Jin's face.

„Well he is scottish, his name is andrew and he is an immortal“, Jin began telling.

„You mean he can't die? Like never, so these kind of people really exist“, Kazuya asked further.

„He can die, if he gets killed by another immortal. And yes they do exist, andrew actually is almost thousand years old“, Jin went on.

„Oh wow, he must be a very wise person then having seen so many things“, the younger meant fascinated looking at Jin.

„Yes he is, but immortals are very lonely people. Their price for living forever is to always loose those who they love, cause they die one day whilst they don't“, he explained caressing the latters face gently.

„Hm yes that is true. And very painful“, Kazuya agreed nodding.

„Jin“, he suddenly asked.

„Yes baby“, the latter answered keeping on caressing his face.

„Are you immortal too“, Kazuya asked looking into his eyes deeply.

„No I'm not. You will have to live with the fact that I grow old and grey one day“, Jin said smiling at him.

„Thank god“, Kazuya sighed relieved and kissed him deep.

When they broke apart again both yawned and agreed in it was time to sleep now, Tomorrow after work, Jin would begin teaching Kazuya and both really were excited about it already. Cuddled close they fell asleep having a soft smile gracing around their lips.

fic: akame multi chapter

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