Title: Closing Time, Prologue to the Cat's Eye series, Part 1/3
arckyosukeFandom: Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles, xxxHolic, Gohou Drug, Chobits crossover
Characters/Pairings: Fay, Chii, Kazahaya, Rikuo, and Ueda/Yumi this chapter, other Tsubasa, xxxHolic, Chobits and Gohou Drug characters may show up in other chapters.
Rating: PG, this portion.
Summary: Post-series Tsubasa AU. The Cat's Eye is not your usual cafe; here, if you tell the owner a good story, you can get a discount. As closing time draws near, Fay decides to tell his assistant Chii the story of his first year surviving in modern Japan.
Word Count: 3,975
( Closing Time, Part 1 )