Of Guns, Red Shirts, Ties, Events and Forgotten Stuffs

Jul 22, 2010 20:37


It all started with a blardy morning for me since I still have to go class at blardy 3pm. Then again, the class wasn't that bad coz thank you, Zhafry, Ryan and Chee Yong for such wonderful facts you've given me about pyramids. Usually when people talk about pyramids, it would be about the historical building. But instead, they gave me facts on using pyramid shape for food chart, sunway pyramid is a shopping mall and Charice ft. Lyaz sang the song 'Pyramid'. My lecturer was left speechless but yea. So far that's the only thing that amuses me.

So after several stupidities in class, I left home and chatted with Riko since she already reached in Sunway Pyramid (see the coincidence?) and was with Relyss. Too bad it was too noisy that I couldn't really hear what they're talking with loudspeaker. D8... Anyway~~ when I reached home, I checked with myself with what I had forgotten. And I thought there weren't until I saw the scan of the Saiyuki photoshoot I had with Hito, Riko, Michi, Relyss and Xanthe, which Hakkai was wearing glasses, BUT I was SO CONVINCED that I said it with so much confidence to the gang that Hakkai didn't wear glasses. Stupid. I feel so ashamed.

Then again, it was fun. ANYWAY let's return back to Friday night! So I went over to Hito's old house at 7.30pm, after they called and left to her house. The last I visit there it was empty. Now it's filled with awesome stuffs that I couldn't even explain with words (yes yes, to me it is). So yea, everything was well, went for dinner, then it was a start of something abominable. It started with Hito's late arrival of food, then Michi called to buy some bandages which costs like RM 8 or so for just ONE BANDAGE. My eyes almost popped out when I saw that and suggested to her to buy at Tesco while Hito, Riko, Relyss and I go pump petrol for Hito's car. As soon as we reached the petrol station, Hito remembered that she forgotten to bring the camera back to her house. Well she cursed a lot in the car but who wouldn't! I mean, if her brother didn't arrived that fast to her new house, she wouldn't have the need to go back.

Then again, luck came back to her. Michi left her luggage in her house, while Riko left her toiletries in Hito's old house. And to think I cannot remember about the glasses...smart me. So left me and Relyss in the house to clean the room and take bath, while Michi drove them out along to take back the forgotten stuffs. After our bath and rearranging the location of luggage, I had a chat with Relyss until I noticed it started to rain HEAVILY. I was wondering will they be alright, but my attention got shifted back to Relyss. LOL! Then the three of them appeared and we started our wig styling like around 12am. The whole thing wrapped up at 3am, with Hakkai's wig being the last one, and quoted from Hito, 'Hakkai's wig is the hardest to style'. I feel your pain, Hito.

Anyway, so tried to sleep at 3am, can't sleep coz it's too freaking cold in Hito's room. I don't know how me and Relyss pulled Hito's comforter and blanket but yea, she suffered the cold most as the air cond was directed at her. Riko and Michi dragged their mattress further from the bed to avoid the cold but it was no avail. The room was damn cold. And the temp of the air cond? 16 degrees Celcius. LOL! So yea, barely slept for like...few hours? Prolly around 4-5 hours, since we woke up at 7am to prepare for the shoot. Though being said so, we were late for the shoot by like...1hr? So yea, had the shoot and enjoyed it! The pics are still in editing, which means still with Hito and not uploaded yet, so yea, have to wait.

Then after that went to C2AGE in Tropicana City Mall. I went as Kida, the yellow scarf version, Relyss went as Suzaku, the school uniform version, Hito went as Tezuka-buchou and Riko went as Ryoma-chan~ When we reached the place, we decided to look for Relyss's COD seller, but tried so many times to call her and couldn't reach. So while waiting, met with Xan and Lynn and Priest! SORRY doublelynn and priestnobaka!!! I WAS SO HUNGRY THAT I LEFT WITH HITO THEY ALL! I AM REALLY REALLY SORRY!!!!

Anyway, went to Bad Ass Cafe for lunch (thank you Hito for the discount~)and it has goddamn nice COFFEE! *swoons and twirls* And most hilarious part was the Director of the place recognizes Hito under her Tezuka costume! That made me laughed like shit mentally. Then told the Director about CF, since he was wondering why are we dressed up as well..such? So gave him CF forum's website and he told us he wants his son to join lollololololll....

Then hang around the place, saw the director few times and went to the second floor and found an awesome place for photoshoot~ It was so much fun though I was tensing up and really can't take any normal pics. I kinda wondered why...Oh well...then hang around the hall to find for Ayase to get Hito's katana. While standing around the hall, met with the Director again and chatted abit. While listening to the convo, one random girl asked for me photo. I was a bit blur was she just asking me or the whole gang. Surprisingly she said only me. So I just posed while still being blur. Then, after she took the pic, I still wondered why were they giggling and staring at the phone while talking something I couldn't hear. Meh...

Anyway, didn't really do much but met alot of people in the event. Oh yea! One more thing! When we reached before going for our lunch, Riko and Relyss went to toilet. While in the toilet, there's a bunch of fangirls being all fangirling over Relyss. Well no doubt, since she really really make a BISHIE Suzaku! But one thing I could not feel right and rather annoyed as well was the part where they asked 'Suzaku' to strip! Talk about being rude and disrespectful brats!

Then we left the place after Hito took her katana from Ayase's bf, since she left it in her bf's car. Got introduced to Ayase. I literally saw pika pika and kira kira around her. Don't ask me why. We then left for TTDI park and yea...that was the place we want to explore but couldn't since NO PARKING!!! *rolls on floor* So yea, went back to Hito's house, had dinner then I went back since I'm dead tired.

edit: AND HITO ALMOST LOST HER KATANA~~ Left it at the toilet there and then ran all the way back to get it. Buchou....you summore can go remind me...LOL!


event, cosplay

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