The Composer is not bored

Sep 09, 2009 14:36

Fufufu, hello everyone. Joshua hehe. I guess many of you knows who am I really. No matter, I'm writing this diary here of the day I spend with my dear proxy, Neku Sakuraba. This is the whole conversation of our activity of the day.

"It all started thanks to phzblue telling me that she is screaming at the mic of her DS (thanks to the pins) and the RP started from there."

J : I doubt you'll want to see me shouting constantly.
N : Haha. I don't see any problem with that.
J : That's for you, Neku. I can't risk my reputation as the Composer of Shibuya and do that.
N : Of course. But no one knows who you are other Mr.H. Though I can take pictures of that with my upgraded phone from Mr.H.
J : Fufufu, Neku dear, you really want to see me like that so much?
N : Of course... Not. I will get deaf if I stick around you too much. Not good for my health. But it would be funny to see that
J : Pity, Neku-kun. I thought you might see a part of me since you're such a curious cat.
N : Hmph, Wait... I'm not curious and a cat! Who would want to know so much about their killer. *pouts*
J : So you're still thinking about that? Oh Neku-kun, you're really that revengeful~
N : It's not an everyday thing that you get to talk to someone who killed you more than once. But I trust you... *looks away*
J : Oh? Did you say something? Fufufu, Neku-kun, why are you looking away?
N : Oh nothing your high and mighty composer should know about. What I do is none of your bizness. What are you doing here anyway, don't you have a Shibuya to look after?
J : Haaa~ Sitting right there and listen to Mr.H's ramblings are boring. Isn't it better to have a game with you, Neku-kun?
N : Game? What are you planning... I do not want to get in btween anything again. *stare*
J : Fufufu~ It's spoil the fun if i tell you, Neku-kun~
N : Fine, bring it on. After 3 weeks of your reaper's game. I don't think there's anything to be surprise of now...
J : *taps Neku's chin* What are you saying, Neku-kun~ It's not fun to play the same game.
N : *blush and try to push away* What the hell do you mean, when did you get so close!? There's something called personal space ya know.
J : Hmmm? But you're so cute when you're pouting, Neku-kun. Fufufu, do you really want to know that much?
N : I'm not cute... Not a girl... And yes. I did accept your invitation to your game. Or do you want me to get Mr.H. I'm sure he won't mind.
J : Ah, you wound me with that, Neku-kun. I want just the two of us to play this game.
N : I'm sure that means nothing to you. And what would this game be huh?
J : Fufufu~ Let's see... shall we go for a little shopping?
N : Shopping..? I'm fine with that since Shiki drags us out a lot. But you seems really happy about this... Should I be scared of you now?
J : Hmm? I do not control your emotions, Neku-kun~ Fufufu~ Going shopping is something that one should enjoy am I right?
N : Right... I guess so... You do have some human sense in you afterall... What are we going to look at?
J : *taps his own chin and smiles like how he often do* We could go visit Princess K~
N : Whaaaaat... Are you getting something for a female friend or something? Why wuold there be anything suitable for us?
J : That's where our game takes place, Neku-kun~
N : I got a weird feeling for this game of yours now... But a promise's a promise, let's just get on with this!
J : Fufufu~ And we're here, Neku-kun. Let's go in, shall we?
N : Alright I will stay behind you.
J : *pulls Neku in and gives him some maid outfit*
N : Hey! Why are you giving me there? I thought you know that I'm not a girl... What's give... I don't want to wear this!
J : It's a requirement, Neku-kun~
N : *sulks and tries to put on* But... What about you...? You are playing this game too right?
J : *Already trying on one* Hmmm? Did you say something?
N : *speechless and tries not to stare* No.. Nothing... *done dressing and hold down the dress lace while hiding his blush* W-what's the next step?
J : *Already got out of the maid dress and tried the male clothings for himself, and pay for the clothings* Alright~ Let's go Neku-kun~ *drags Neku out*
N : Ehh!? Ah... Stop! I'm not going out looking like this! Let me change back! And you, I thought you were going to get a maid dress too.. You bastard.
J : *still dragging Neku* Hmmm? Oh, I've not told you this~ Today's game is where you have to be my maid, Neku-kun~ Since you've agreed to play this game, you can't back out now can you?
N : Shoulda told me bout that earlier... Then... *sigh in defeat* Joshua-sama... * looks down away from the crowd's eyes and a particular composer*
J : *lifts up Neku's head* Fufufu~ You can't be like this, Neku-kun. Else I'll be accused for mistreating the poor 'lady'.
N : *mumbles* They should accuse you of torturing a poor soul instead of that... *look at his master* Composer-sama... What would you like to do next? *flinch at own words*
J : Fufufu~ Let's go for a walk to WildKat, Neku-kun~
N : Hai.. Why WildKat... That's like the other side! The people! *fidgets and stays close to josh*
J : *smiles like how he does* Fufufu~ You want to walk by my side? Very well~ *slides Neku's arms over his, like those typical couples do*
N : Woah.. *blush and shiver at the contact but remain tense* ... Why are you going to Mr.H's cafe anyway?
J : That's cause Hanekoma's coffee is the best, Neku-kun~ Ah, I feel old... * saddens hoping Neku the maid would do something about it*
N : Ah I see... You old? Ha, I doubt it. I bet you can do anything a youngster can do maybe even more. *continues walking*
J : Fufufu, are those words of comfort, Neku-kun?
N : Haha... I dunno what you're talking about! *runs ahead to one of the CAT's street art*
J : *follows slowly* Still the same, Neku-kun.
N : Well master, hurry up! Mr.H's cafe is almost here. You don't want that coffee waiting for you do you? Hmm wonder what cake's on sale today.
J : *giggles at Neku's antics* Alright, my princess * walks over to the shop*
N : Am not... *stay behind josh to hide the maid clothes* Ah. So many customer...
J : Hanekoma, you there?
N : *sees a familiar black vest* He's over there. Joshua-sama... With this crowd, maybe you should pour your own coffee.
J : *smiles at Neku's information* Fufufu~ I know about that, but I'm just looking for him, Neku-kun~
N : Oh.. Are you? Then I will just wait here at this counter. *spaced out after a while*
J : Fufufu~ *pulls Neku to a table this is only for two*
N : *looks at the cup of water* Do I have something on my face? There's been lot more stares after I came in here...
J : Ignore the stares, Neku-kun... I'll go get something for us, so wait here, my cute princess~ *place a kiss on Neku's cheek and walks to the counter and greeted Hanekoma*
N : *nods and blushes* ... He... Kissed me... It feels ticklish and warm...
J : *flips Neku's skirt*
N : *blush* Uwah! What you are trying to do!! *holds down the lacy skirt*
N : I got another quiz next week...
J : maths huh?
N : i have no problem with maths
J : that's true for neku-kun, you can even remember what square root of 3 is.
N : haha... right.
J : fufufu~ Neku-kun, do you want any help in it?
N : *puzzle* Whichever do you mean ? Joshua-sama
J : *plays with Neku's headdress's lace* Fufufu~ after all, you have a test~
N : *whack the offending hands away* Hmph, I'm sure I can handle it. Stop playing with that! Aren't you going to enjoy the coffee you got from Mr.H?
J : Fufufu~ But enjoying you is much more better than enjoying
N : ... Then what's the point of coming out all the way here!! Enjoying me... what do you mean by that..
J : You've never ceased to amuse me, Neku-kun~ *sips his own coffee* Coming here is definitely to enjoy the things here. But of course, the main entertainment had to be kept for the last, Neku-kun.
N : !@#$... *keeps quiet and eat the pastry*
J : Fufufu~ Neku-kun, you're such a mess~ *wipes the crumbs off Neku's lips and eats it*
N : *stumble out of chair from shock*
J : Oh my, Neku-kun! Are you alright? *kneels to reach Neku who fell*
N : *blush lightly* I-I'm fine... Just a little shocked... *stands up and brush off the dust*
J : *grins like how he always does* My my, Neku-kun. You're really full of surprises.
N : *frowns* Look who's talking... you surprised me everyday differently! Like this... this... Maid dress! *cross his arm*
J : Fufufu~ Saying that aloud doesn't help, Neku-kun~
N : Ah! *shut his mouth with his hands with embarassment* Well.. are you done with your coffee? This is not fun at all.
J : *sits back and enjoys the coffee* not yet, Neku-kun. You have not finished your cake. *pushes his to Neku*
N : *sat down patiently and stabbed the cake with a fork with vengence*stupid stupid stupid...
J : *just smiles at Neku's antics and drinks his own coffee* don't mistreat the tools, Neku-kun. They're innocent
N : *Continue stabbing* Of course.. they are as innocent as you are... what's your order... after this? *though unwillingly asked*
J : Fufufu, you're really impatient aren't you? Next we'll go for a little walk at Miyashita Park
N : No... I just don't feel like hanging around here too long.. in these comfortable clothes...
J : Why, Neku-kun~ you're getting used to it very well~ I wouldn't mind seeing you wearing it everyday.
N : No I'm not!... It feels so spacious... underneath... *blush and glare at josh* I would rather die than wear this everyday Josh!
J : Fufufu, you wound me, Neku-kun. I would really loved to see that more often
N : ... Why is that... do you really like to see my suffered that much? *saddens*
J : My dear Neku, if you deny those thoughts, you'll enjoy most of it. * caresses Neku's cheek* Perhaps I do not show my true emotions well.
N : *shudders at the warm palm* What do you mean your true emotions... *glance slightly at Joshua*
J : Fufufu~ Now then, shall we go?
N : Hai...
J : Hmm? You were expecting something else, Neku-kun?
N : *shook his head immediately* No.. nothing. Let's go.

*kicks Joshua out* Anyway this is the RP of me as Joshua and phzblue as Neku. Ah~ I can't wait for the both of us to cosplay them for CF day 2~ *anticipating*

Thankies to my dear Neku for copy pasta the entire RP we did 8D


rp, subasekai, fandom

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