(no subject)

May 01, 2009 00:37


Ok! Morning wasn't much fun since I have to fetch my bro to tuition and what not but yea, at night was the enjoyment I had. Packed my luggage for my Redang Trip and found out that I had not enough bras and panties. *dies* Still I managed to PChat with doublelynn and we drew a short story 8)

Prussia ---> Me
Austria ---> doublelynn

.....and yes, she abused the Mariazell 8| AND BLOODY AIR COND SPOILT!!!! *cries*

Woke up at 7 am (just like my bro) to take train to go to my friend's house. Though the bus trip is at 11pm, I went early so that I could enjoy time with my friends at Sunway Pyramid. So, I firstly met Vivian at Masjid Jamek Station, changed to Star LRT and went all the way to Sri Petaling Station. From there, my friend, Ren Yu and Hui Leng, fetched us both to her house and we hanged out a while. After that, we left to Sunway Pyramid for a little restocking for our trip to Redang Island. 8) Got a pair of shorts, singlet and swimsuit! Oh and the swimsuit, it has discount~ so I bought it at RM80+ instead of RM100+ 8)

While shopping around, Loo and Sam met with us and we went to buy some snakes (Ah Siang's language) snacks for the bus ride and some beer so that we could enjoy it at night. Time really pass fast and its 8pm. Ordered pizza and had it at my friend's house, took bath and off to PWTC, where our bus is. Reached there on time, since the train stalled at Sri Petaling station which almost scare our guts out. But yea, all goes well 8) And when time finally struck 11pm, we're off to Kuala Terengganu!!!

Didn't really get to sleep much in the bus last night as my friends kept disturbing. Stupid Ah Siang. Stupid Ren Yu. Thanks Sanjay for giving me and Hui Leng time to sleep! Though I couldn't sleep later since I woke up already....Nevertheless, we stopped at the bus station in Kuala Terengganu, and there my friend, Louis, met with us! And what I heard was he did not sleep the entire night and at 5am he went to meet us. Omg, I felt so touched by him.

Waited for the stupid agent to get us to the jetty, which HE WAS SO LATE that most of us got pissed by him. Still after that, we were brought to the jetty and sat on the ferry to Redang Island. Since inside the ferry there were not enough space, me, Ren Yu, Hui Leng, Sam and Ah Siang sat at the dock at enjoyed the breeze~ Took 1hr+ to reached the beach and from there we had to walk to the beach. And the funny thing was, the sand land was very amusing that there were sea water of a deeper area trapped between shallow areas. Thus, most of our pants were wet, since we were wearing knee length shorts. But still, its enjoyable.

After getting our keys, we went to our house which is S4. Of course, since there's 9 people in a room, definitely when we arrive it'll be slightly noisy. But the neighbour of us, which is a Russian family, weren't happy with us. So a Russian man came out and told me and Sanjay to lower down our voice IN A RUDE way and calling us 'fucking animals'! So when me and Sanjay told the others, I think they made a lot of noise till they couldn't stand it and thus changed their rooms. Muahaha!!

Then, we changed and played at the beach till 3pm where we went snorkeling. Saw corals, but most of them were dead and since my feet start to cramp, I went up the boat and rest with Sanjay. Yea, he too is tired from the swimming. Our snorkeling time was 1 hr and after that we returned back to our resort. Well, me and Vivian felt damn dizzy and finally, it's dinner. After dinner, we walked by the beach and went back. Then at 8.30pm, we played games that involved drinking with beer. Had too much fun but yea, I drank a little too much till I was partially drunk. Hui Leng was drunk though. The guys...well...they weren't. My friends told me I was the first one to sleep, but I couldn't be bother LOL!

Morning wasn't much expected as someone slapped my face twice and I woke up. But then since I'm still blur and what not, I fell back to sleep again. And then I woke up at around 8am in the morning after I heard someone waking up and going to the toilet, which is Loo. So after we both woke up, and noticed each other, Loo went to drank water while I went out to get some fresh air. That is, after washing our face. After that, he invited me to follow him to get some water, which I decided to follow. We sat at the table, drinking water and saw the Russian family sitting next to us. Well, we didn't bother and chat on our own a little. After drinking and sitting around, we went back up and found that the other 7 are still asleep. Amazing they are.

Since its about to be 9.30am, which is the time for us to be ready for snorkeling, me and Loo wake them all up, which took alot of effort for us to do it, since many of them slept late. After they got ready, we set out to the Marine Park for snorkeling. Saw many types of fishes and after that went back for rest. Had our lunch since we skipped breakfast and we returned to our house for a short rest. It was then we decided whether we should go for snorkeling again or banana boat. Since snorkeling makes no fun as most of the corals died, we decided to go for banana boat. However, we could only play it at 4.30pm. So we went for a long walk, which is from one end of the beach to another, and getting severe sunburn. We even slept on a hammock for a rest and ate 'Ais Batu Campur' (like shaved ice but has a lot of sweet things in it) to cool ourselves.

Then we went to the banana boat shack and paid for the ride. The first time we fell was really hurtful and we're in the middle of the sea. A lot of us got hurt thanks to the water surface. For me, it felt like someone kicked my stomach real hard. And my life jacket's attach thing came off due to the impact. Waters....are scary....Anyway, the second time we fell was somewhere near the island. Still in the middle of the sea, but near the island. It wasn't hurtful like the first one, but Ren Yu fell on me. Sanjay went rolling when he fell, according to him. Well, kinda true since Hui Leng was the first one and Sanjay was seen floating somewhere ahead of her. Finally, since we were scared, we tried our best not to fall the third time, only to know that it was the last ride. Blargh, what to expect from 15 minutes!

After the ride, we went for canoeing. First time I canoe so I kinda felt it was hard. I mean, trying to paddle in sea is really difficult. It felt heavy. Even Jeff, who is the same canoe as me, felt tired. I am glad I sat with a guy instead of a girl. Or else I really don't know how to paddle back to the shore. Anyway, I heard from Hui Leng, Ren Yu and Ah Siang saying they saw a turtle. Sadly, me and Jeff didn't see it. Sanjay said he didn't see it too, since Ah Siang was so tall that he couldn't see it. Lulz. Then, we canoe back to the shore and saw Vivian, Loo and Sam coming to us. Then, we had dinner together and I tried to eat mutton. Somehow I felt it tasted like balloon so I spitted it out. Really suffering to eat one. But Jeff, Sanjay and Ren Yu likes it. Oh well..*shrugs*

We then returned back to our house and bathed, called Lynn for a random chat, and went to some hotel's bar to hang out. Tried Shisha with my friends and it really feels like I'm smoking but it's not. And well, its not smoking, according to Sanjay 8) LOL! Then the environment changed to disco and we went to dance. Well, I was shy at first but I joined and I went high. Danced with my friends and I ended up being tired and stopped. Then we decided to go back to our house, after buying Black Label and 18 cans of Coke. Well, to dilute it of course. Jeff introduced us some games, which is a drinking game, and most of my friends went drunk. Well, I'm glad I didn't since I drank Blue Label every year due to my dad's company dinner.

I think it was about 2.00am that I decided to sleep. I couldn't bother the others since I was so tired and that is around my usual sleeping time in any normal days. So I slept.

Last day in Redang. Woke up by my friend and took my bath. Then only to find that a set, snorkels and life jacket, went missing. We suspect it was done by those people who loaned us the stuffs. But to make things and life easier, we just pay RM300 fine and share it among 9 people. Went back to Kuala Terengganu and went to Louis's dad's restaurant, Mike Two, in Chinatown. The food was delicious! Seriously, Louis!

Then Louis brought us to the beach called Batu Buruk Beach (direct translated : Bad Stone Beach). Had 'keropok lekor' and fried bananas there while enjoying the scenery. I got sprained there thanks to my damn slipper and the sand. I even randomly called Lynn again since I was bored and found out about the things on wig. Not amused. Then went to A&W to settle money. Had a lot of discussion and drank Root Beer since I was damn thirsty and tired. Well, at least it was settled. Then, hanged around and returned back to the restaurant and eat.

Louis and his friend, Shawn (I think that's the spelling), then fetched us to the bus station and at 9.30pm we left Kuala Terengganu. But damnit! It was raining that time and I barely slept since it was so cold! Jeans + T-Shirt + Jacket = NOT STRONG ENOUGH!

Reached home at around 7.40am since I took like...three trains back home....tired but couldn't sleep. Ended up sleeping at 10am. Early ain't it? When I returned home the first thing I did was BATH and then mum showed me my new phone. Iyannn~ Nokia 5800 XpressMusic~~~ *dies* I must be crazy. Well, its my new phone since my Nokia 6280 have too many disease. So yea...begged my dad for it and yay! I had it! Nothing much I did that day since I was sleepy....weeee~~

Was told by phzblue that the wig that Lynn thought it was hers was actually mine, WTFLOL! and then baphy told me she wanted to do Hetalia. Plan to join her to see how first 8) Plan still...far....far.....far.....LOL! Nothing much did as well since I was tired and sunburned. Ugh....

I guess this is all I had....pictures from trips will get soon from my friends 8) since my camera does not have a memory card thanks to my mum -___-'''

drabbles, tired, trip, cosplay

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