Custom should be tortured by Russia

Jan 03, 2009 18:34

A journey to go get a package from Customs is a good experience, but I still want to curse them.

Today, I went to LCCT with my best pal, Hitokiri_Sien to collect our parcel. Our parcel was detained by the Customs, due to overweight...I supposed. Nevertheless, I was given a role, to be her younger sister, to at the very least haggle the price, if tax is required.

So I drove to Hito's house and reached around 8.25am. Waited for her to come out of her house, get her to a bank to withdraw money, and off to the train station. Bought our tickets and went straight to KL Sentral station. Then, we sat on the bus and all the way to LCCT. So far so good, the journey that is.

Went to the building, and we escaped the tax! yay!!! However on our way back to KL Sentral, the bus broke down. Something from the bus' engine broke and we had to wait 1 hr for another bus to arrive. Ah well, as long we are safe, that's what it matters. But one thing is, we were very hungry, that we kept complaining. Typical humans, aren't we. As soon as we reached KL Sentral, we seperate for a while; I went to buy the train tickets while she went to buy her manga. After that, we RUSHED walked to McDonalds and had our Prosperity Burger. I had Chicken Prosperity Burger while Hito had Beef Prosperity Chicken.

After filling our stomachs, we took the train back, and drove back to her house. In the train, Hito prank Riko-nee by saying we had to pay RM250 for the tax. In the end, we told her the truth and since we had paid our karma earlier (the bus thing), we are safe ^^ Yes, we do believe in Karma. In Hito's room, we opened our package and played with the costumes. 'Swooshing' our capes that is. Oh, our costume was Code Gayarse Geass' Knights of The Rounds. I'm doing Gino while Hito's doing Spinzaku Suzaku. Yea, we're bunch of crazy people. We even tried to imitate Zero's 'Nipponpon' movements. Huhu! I guess, after that I returned home.

As soon as I reached home, I seek for the bathroom. I really wanted a cool, refreshing bath. So, yea...I rushed for the bathroom. After the bath, I online and visited nation_ask to see doublelynn's question on the Potato Song video. I practically laughed at UK's graph and Prussia's childishness when he's around Germania. It gives a feel like father and son. Heh, I'm really fully hetalia'd to the core!! Ah Prussia-kun..your 'awesomeness' are always amusing.. LOL! Then went out for dinner, and returned, hanged my clothing and costumes to dry and now typing this lj post!

Sadly no pics, since I find it NOT NECESSARY to take the pic of that damned building...Russia should just bomb it with his nuclear weapons...About the costume for my Gino's, I'll camwhore ghetto!Gino that is... *got smacked*

p/s: doublelynn and shadowdorumon ....I WAN PCHAT!


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