Name: Cristina
Nickname: AJ
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5’8”
Likes: Manga, yaoi, crossovers on crack (read: TRC), cursing like I have Tourette’s, sarcastic t-shirts, shopping, cute shoes, really loud music, big huge SUVs, scaring people on accident, drawing, hogging the computer, fanfiction, proving idiots wrong, airplanes, Law & Order, yaoi, alternate universes.
Dislikes: Idiots, homophobes, organized religion, homework, authority, adults, small children, telephones (unless they happen to be itty-bitty cellphones), money issues, politics, board games, chatspeak, character bashing.
Hobbies: Rambling like a fool, shopping, drawing like a madwoman, being on the internet for obscene amounts of time, making icons, watching the History Channel, bike riding, abusing emoticons which I haven’t done for this whole entry OH MY GOD.
Talents: Being loud, being obnoxious, being ridiculously smart for my age despite that, drawing (or so people say).
Fav color: Crimson and white.
Fav animal: Can’t choose between horses or dogs. XD
Strong points: Apparently I’m quite funny. 8D I’m also loyal, friendly, pretty smart, and I’d like to think I’m open-minded.
Weaker points: I’m extremely sensitive to criticism, I stress and procrastinate, can be very pessimistic, and I have a very quick temper. I don’t think before I say or do something, though I’m usually really sorry afterwards.
Mature or Immature?: Depends on the situation, really.
Leader or Follower?: Combo of both.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Also depends on the situation. If I’m cranky, I’m a major pessimist; good mood, big huge annoying optimist.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Medium, because I fluctuate.
Outgoing or Reserved?: Outgoing.
Are you in love?: Nope.
If you're not, what would you look on a partner?: A SLAVE See, here’s the thing. If I had a partner, I’d want them to be almost just like me so we get along well. But I’m annoying, so they’d be annoying. >>;
What are you willing to sacrifice for your wishes?: Depends on what the wish is. I wouldn’t give up my friends, family or life for much. XD
How far would you go for someone you love?: A LOOOONG way if I was close to them.
Fav character, and why?: I can’t decide between Seishirou (who’s one of my favorite CLAMP characters of all time) and Kurogane (who not only makes the best faces in the whole manga, but is also wonderfully sarcastic and bastard-y. Whoo!)
Anything else?: I make no sense?
Describe your personality: ...I’m a lunatic.
Pictures/Describe what you look like: