Name: My real name is An... my name is almost as short as I am
Nickname: Vuvu, Anty, psycho midget ((don't ask >D))
Age: 15 years and a bit
Birthdate: 05/December/1989
Gender: Female
Height: *gloom* 150cm *goes sulk in a corner*
Likes: Pretty things! Friendly people, comments, pretending that I know what I'm doing, photoshop, spending all my money on manga, pestering people, sleeping, food, to be happy ^__^
Dislikes: Liars ((even though I am one)), waking up early in the morning, when I realise I have no money left ((like now ;__;)), when the pc crashes on me.
Hobbies: to annoy friends & family, internet, photoshop
Talents: Remembering totally useless information & forgetting the ones that I should remember ((if that can be counted as a talent)). Putting all my work on hold until "tomorrow" ((or the day after that XP)).
Fav color: All the happy colours :3
Fav animal: Kitty! X3
Strong points: I'm pretty optimistic when things are going my way,
Weaker points: My eyes; I'm almost blind without glasses XD & I suffer from "extreme moods" -- either too happy, or too depressive XD, most of the time it's the former ^__^ & I'm too lazy for my own good XD I get lost really easily too.
Mature or Immature?: Immature when it's time to be immature, and still immature mature when the time calls for seriousness.
Leader or Follower?: Follower most of the time but becomes a leader when I realise I'm surrounded by idiots
Are you in Love?: With all CLAMP's bishies? YES!!! XD *ahem* No.
If You're Not, What would you look on a partner?: Preferably someone that I feel comfy with cos I hate awkward silence, and it wouldn't hurt if he was hot XD
What are you willing to sacrifice for your wishes?: As long as it's not mine or anyone else's happiness -- in other words; not much XP
How far would you go for someone you love?: As far as I can ^__^
Fav Character, and why?: - Syaoran; cos when he says he'll do something, he will do it! & Fai, cos he's a bit of a mystery, and he's funny too *is a sucker for funny guys*, and Kuro-rin, cos he's -- umm, Kuro-rin! XD.
Anything else?: Man, this form is long XD -- nope
Describe your personality: I have split personalities. In class, I am the quite little angel, anywhere other than that, I'm loud, cheerful and pushy >D
Pictures/Describe what you look like: WARNING: Viewers of the following pictures may become traumatised >D