Title: Shin-Gi-Tai
Genre: AU, fantasy, historical...various others
Fandom: Mainly Hey!Say!Jump but features other Johhny's as well
Note: Set in feudal era.
DISCLAIMER: I OWN THE PLOT, THE OCS and the IDEA...I do not own however, Johhny Jimoshu (lol yeah right), its members, the media and the title.
An empire, threatened by a strange never ending curse. Ten boys from different walks of life are torn from their ordinary lives and brought together under chaotic circumstances finally learning about an ancient legend and their surprising connection with it.
Chapter Thirty Two Chapter Thirty Three NEW
Title: Silent Exchange
Characters: Yamada Ryosuke, Nakajima Yuto
Genre: Friendship
Rating: G
Note: hehe...to make up for my absence...