Everything is oo-kei

Feb 28, 2010 22:43

So, today I went to see different parts of my city. My uncle was curious and drove us to see the damage. It wasn't that bad as I though it was, some buildings were literally teared down, but most of the city is ok. Now, to the south of our country the earthquake was really bad. They had a freaking tsunami too, so yeah :/

We still have no electricity, but thanks jaesus my cousin's house does, and she lives around our block, so I'm kind of camping here, I have my own little happy place in a corner of her room, with my netbook plugged in along with my iPod and Nintendo DS, all the things I need to survive :P Oh, and the very first book of Harry Potter, I'm reading the series again (but I so want to skip CoS xP)

So yeah, I'm OK.

I'm glad all my RL and LJ friends are good too \o/

Also, even though my uncle threated me to not download anything (his internet speed isn't that great to begin with and he loves to download movies on torrent) I still managed to download B2ST new single and Arashi's Troublemaker. I didn't liked it that much (troublemaker that's it) but SHOCK is AWESOME, I can't wait to watch the boys on crappy youtube stream rofl (No HD for me, my netbook almost burst itself to flames when I make him play an HD video :/ too much to handle for the poor Atom processor *pats him* )

b2st, rl, earthquake

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