(no subject)

Jan 25, 2010 03:25

Today (ermm, well, yesterday..) I went with my mom to watch Sherlock Holmes.


It's like House/Wilson! But in 1887 and with nice english accents!


Also, I did say I hated Jiggy, right? I don't remember if I wrote a comment about it or made a post, but anyway, I hated Jiggy with all my might. LEEU is cute, but the MV looks like Skittles puke. And Mazzeltov was waaay badass and cool. I hated the song. But not now. Actually, last night I had it in replay like 30 times. And now I can't stand Mazzeltov, wtf. HARO SOMEHOW IM BIPOLAR, YOROSHIKU.

Oh, and I'm hating Yamada Ryusuke with all my might. Because of him I can't even spot Ryutaro in Hitomi Yamada no Screen. I know its his dorama and all, but it's a HSJ song, not a NYC song. Pretty much all JUMP boys looked like backup dancers a la BI Shadow. I still don't get the Yamada hype :/ Or people calling him sexy. IMO the 'I RABU YOU' was fucking creepy.

In other things, I downloaded this nifty blackberry app that tells you the weather in any country . Of course the first cities I programmed were Valparaiso, Santiago, Seoul and Tokyo ^^ And right now Seoul is -2ºC D: cold winter is cold XP Boys! take care of yourselfs!
Hello baby was adorable :3 And the JongKey is so REAL~~ <3 Key kicked Mir's ass in MakRev 8DDD and after he did that, Jonghyun hugged him and took his hand while trying to protect himthemselfs from the horror of the exploding balloon xDD
BREAK OUT's Off shots is finally out. Junsu being the creepy old man was so obvious :3 And the boys looked happy o.o Specially Chunface. I'm worried about Changmin TT He looked cheerful and all but his smile was... a little off? Well, maybe I'm just being paranoid ._. Where is the snarky maknae? He should take some days with his god, I'm pretty sure Chunface would lend him his duckbutt ^^ AND! yessss JJ!! Boy looked sooo fine! A little thinner, but his hair! UNFF~~ ♥♥ Yunho too, leader looks goood! It's a little sad they got those great hairstyles and weren't together for a group pic or something TT There is always someone that has a DNW hairstyle (Chunface, I'm looking at you!) but this time everyone looks sooo kakkoi~~
I'm loving Yong Hwa's falsettos too, dadarida dadarida daradiridaradoooo~~
This post is too random xD Sorry for that.

Anyway, I'm going to watch the last Shokura and then go to bed~~


f.cuz, movies, this is kpop, sherlock/watson, house/wilson, tvxq, jongkey, hey! say! underage, shinee

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