Should I make a post about my x-mas, my new year and the previous weeks? I'm not in the mood D: I have a cold. Yes, a freeking cold. Not a runny nose this time, but a I feel like my throat is being squeezed to death. I can hardly talk without choking, lefuck.
It's not like I talk THAT much anyway. I spent most of my days reading fics. I have to catch up with tons of unread books on my shelves since jaesus know when, but I prefer reading YunJae and Yoosu and Min/food and OT5 instead xD Recently I have a thing for Jonghyung/Kibum... and Onew/Kibum...and Taemin/Kibum (even thou it feels like son/mother incest, ew).... really, anything with All Mighty Key on it XDDD HE IS SUCH A DIVA, I LOVE HIM ♥♥♥♥ He made me start liking MUZIK for jaesu's sake, and I hated 4minute with my life lol Anyway, KEY♥ He rocked being Lady Gaga too, oh the boy is prection ♥♥
Also, Yeoseob makes my day with his shining blond hair and smile, he is like the lovechild of G-Dragon and LeeHonKi ♥♥♥ and its not helping he makes those awesomes acts with DooJoon, I'm loving the fanservice, really ;3
I watched You're beautiful btw, awesome drama. A.N JELL FTW!! Now I'm waiting for C.N Blue debut! I must say I was extremly dissapointed with F.Cuz (well, not that I was waiting for something big, but after the awesomtastic debuts of MBLAQ and B2ST I guess my standarts got higher :/). Not so much with Children of Empire, but I think I have a soft spot for them because their company is nearly broke and they got little to no budget for their promotions and stuff. I like MAZELTOV, but after a while it got annoying D: I don't even remember F.Cuz title song, but heck it was so... so... nerve wracking XP I wanted to stop before the chorus D: and its sad 'coz there is a really nice looking boy there, he looks like spock, but before his debut his hair was longer and he is such a TVXQ fanboy D: and I can't just not love tvxq's fanboys >o< I'm hoping my love for the two groups grows with their live performances, because it wasnt love at firstt sight v.v
C.N Blue on the other hand... :D
What more? Almost all my friends are working and I'm not. Maybe I should, IDK. I don't want to xD but extra money and not being a leech on my parents sounds good.
UKnow? I have to live on the capital city this year, starting from march. My fifth year of journalism in my school is done there, and if I aprove my proffesional practice and all, I got a Master. Cool, huh? I get lost in my own city so I'm trying not to freak out. Yet.
Now I should go to watch something, my Cable doesn't work as it should (like... showing the channels, lol). Not that is soo important for me, I don't even remember the last time I watched TV.. but tonight I though, hey, why not, let's see what's on. And all the channel were pitch black, le what? =_= thank god I have tons of stuff to watch on my computer ._. besides, there is always youtube, right JoKwon? ♥♥♥
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