Bring bring neoreul naege gajyeoda jwo~~

Oct 07, 2009 01:56

So, my last post was 5 weeks ago, I sure bring shame to LJ D:

Anyway, I'll make this quick because its freeking (yeah, thats a word now in my chungrish dictionary) almost 2AM (I SWEAR I DIDNT PLAN THIS!) and I have classes like.. early. In a couple of hours to be exact.

So, yeah, a little resumè:


-Last saturday javiera came and we spazzed about JE, why HSJ is almost death I blame Chinen's hormones, lol, NEWS' new dvd cover (WTF JE?!), and I tried to introduce her to KPop I kinda failed in that. Okey, it was pretty hard 'cause there are so many groups and so many entertainment industries @_@ I even mentioned XING and SHU-I, so I think I covered famous groups, non famous groups, debuted groups, soon to be debuted groups, broken groups and kinda yes but not in hiatus groups (JAYYYYYYY HAWTING TT). I did forgot HAM and EGG, but those are so new!

-I got Tegomasu no Uta Album and Koi no ABO single *drools over the prection booklets* courtesy of Javiera's dad visa and my savings *is proud*

-My first class today is going to be OHSOBORING so maybe I will make another post soon xD

-That's it.


Shouyo koto?

yes im alive, fandom is srs bizniz

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