Say what?

Jun 28, 2009 02:29

TVXQ got so much shows and performance and stuff I still haven't watched o.o It's so different with NEWS.. I think in two weeks you can watch every performance and dvd (well... there are only THREE) concerts and catch up and know everything you can know about NEWS. But it's totally different with TVXQ, because they perform in Korea, Japan and China. And have lots and lots of PVs and songs and radio shows and omg... korean variety shows are awesome because they are not so scripted like japanese ones... and the fanservice is soooo much better! <3

Anyways, I'm still trying to catch up (I think I finished last year Tohoshinki in Japan...) And right now I have Korea's TVXQ covered... but last year (and the year before that) is kinda unwatched. I have watched some clips in youtube, but not whole shows. And don't ever let me get started with Super Junior, because after the incident in 200...7? 8? I made a major jump to some backstage of a concert in Japan and their variety show of Explorer's of the Human Body. That and their reality show with the two non-korean girls that speak a more fluent korean that Hankyung xDD *pats him*. That's why I like SHINee, I have been following them since A.mi.go :D (BUT, I coulnd stand their reality show, whats up with the dating the noona thing? I know it's their main theme in their song, but for a reality show and all... I felt I was watching a chilean reality show, and I *hate* chilean reality shows D: )

Anyways, the maing point of this is... I'm watching Couple Talk. I don't even know the date of the filming.. is it in a dvd? it was from their comeback to Korean after last year in Japan? IDK, Changmin's hairstyle is kinda old...2007? Anyway, this amused me soooo much I had to make caps!

I've had read fics about JJ reading fanfictions, commenting and such xD But I never though it would be soo canon!

JJ surfing the web and reading fansites and stuff... IDK, I feel so proud of him! xDD It's like... most NEWS boys don't even know how to use a computer... there are the same as most of my career friends in college. I'm the only one that knows what is twitter, LJ or really... anything besides Facebook, fotolog, MSN and Office is totally out of their knowledge. And it impress me so much because I can't even imagine my life without the internet o.o and Fandom. Fandom is so important to me. Shige and Ryo are the only ones that know how to use the web besides doing school work (like Koyama and Tegoshi). I remember one variety show where Koyama said really reaaally impressed "This guy (pointing to Shige) even knows how to download songs and put them in his mp3 player!!" *heddesk* XDDDDDD

And JJ going online and reading... stuff XD it's like.. THEY REALLY KNOW WHAT FANGIRLS WANT! XDD I'm scared though, because korean fans are so scary D:

In other things, I don't get korea. I don't get korean fangirls. When Yamapi went there for VACATIONAL PURPUSES they almost eat him alive at the airport. And now the most fresh news are about how Taemin is being bullied by his schoolmates. HIS IS FREAKING 15 YEAR OLD WTF KOREA. I really hope SM to do something about make him take private lessons or something, because I really don't want him suffering and being unhappy D: He is an adorable boy and I love him to bits.

And I'm stuck with Kiss the Baby Sky. ITS BRILLIANT. The first time I heard it I was like OMG SO HIGH PITCHED AND WTF WITH THE HUSKY VOICE SAYING MY MAX MY HERO MY UKNOW AND MY XIAH AND MICKY I DON'T GET IT, but then I knew Yoochunnie did it and his little brother did the rap part and I watched a clip about what the members though about the song and they all worshiped Yoochun for it and omg x33 *breaths*

And I can't believe Yoochun's little brother calls Junsu Yoochun's wife XD Well, they are so married after all, giving each other rings and such xD

Jya, I'm still watching Couple Talk. I need to learn about 50 new words for my final chinese exam and make a presentation for a literature course xP I can't wait for winter break!

And it's raining! :D I LOOOOOVE RAIN. Even if I'm freezing my ass in front of the computer xD

tvxq, wtf korea, he reads fics too, tvxq knows what a fangirl wants

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