Title: Shadow Boys 2 : Midnight Mercury
Part Four: Quicksilver
Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Brotherhood, slight!Romance
Rating: PG - PG 15 (violence)
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump with some others
Disclaimer: I own the plot, the OCs and the idea...the media, graphics and references to Johhnys is the reason I have this disclaimer.
They risked their lives to save him. Now, to save them, he has to risk everything else. Bonds are tested and the stakes are raised.
They brought him home from hell, now… to protect them… he has to go back….
Part Four
Trust, betrayal...the limits of friendship and love...an amalgamation of different feelings...strength isn't always solid, but sometimes vulnerable...like quicksilver
Chapter Seventeen - Dreamweaver
“You look sick Dai-chan,” Suzuka spoke and the way her voice softened at his friend’s name made Kei frown. The girl donned a knee length dress with tights, lace up boots and an overcoat, all in black. Her expressions seemed almost sad as she gazed at Daiki.
“You actually sound concerned,” replied the boy and Kei blinked at the casual tone.
“I am!” the girl responded indignantly. She then sighed.
“I was just hoping we could get to know each other better… before it came to something like this,”
“And you brought a… batallion that makes us feel like we’re some kind of virus,” Daiki snapped, flinching then rolling his eyes as he was nudged painfully with a gun. Suzuka snapped her fingers, nostrils flaring.
“YOU! Don’t touch him like that! Form a line before me… NOW!”
Kei watched in wonder as the confused men moved away from the two of them, following their captain’s orders.
“I didn’t want to bring them, but you weren’t coming alone either,” she replied venomously.
“My my don’t I feel unwanted,” Kei sighed dramatically. Suzuka glared.
“Get the skinny one,” she snapped making Daiki’s eyes widened as the men cocked their guns.
“WAIT I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!” Kei burst out and smirked as he finally got all eyes on him.
Suzuka gasped as she realized the men were now stunned on their positions.
“They are wearing helmets!” she exclaimed.
“Doesn’t hide their eyes, not like Kei’s shooting lasers out of his… all he needed was their fixed gaze,” Daiki responded. Kei’s dark eyes remained unblinking and when he did blink did Suzuka’s troops came out of their daze. They looked confused as against Suzuka’s incessant yelling they took off their helmets and began looking at each other.
“What are you all doing?” Suzuka cried as they turned hostile, against each other. Daiki watched with mild amusement as the men started yelling curses at each other and launched into brawls. It was like watching a very disoriented street fight.
“Nice one,” he commented with a chuckle to which Kei just shrugged. His smile faded as he spotted Suzuka staring at him, eyes glinting, a smirk quickly forming on her pink lips. Daiki remembered all their previous meetings, things hadn’t really gone well, mostly on his part. He was prepared this time, he wouldn’t let her access his mind that easily but it was the pale faced boy next to him that he was anxious for.
“Those gaurds weren’t a problem,” Kei began, watching as the men ran around aimlessly, throwing punches at each other, guns chucked away. It was the first time he had managed to affect so many people at once without Daiki. Good thing his random outburst managed to get them too stare right at him. He stumbled back as Daiki pushed aside a large boulder thrown their way with a wave of his hand, blinking cause he didn’t see that coming.
“She’s… she’s just like you,” he exclaimed.
“Kind of, there is something different though, and as soon as I figure it out… I’ll be able to beat her,”
“So… what is your plan, what do we do?”
“Not we, me… you stand no chance against her, you go on ahead… hypnotize one of the gaurds to take you to Quicksilver’s base,”
“Not a chance that is happening Dai-chan,”
He glared at Kei but then a strange sensation made him jolt and direct his attention to Suzuka who was now standing still across the clearing, eyes closed shut.
“Kei please hurry and go!”
The taller boy, sensing something amiss, carefully approached one of the gaurds and snapped his fingers, releasing him from his trance only to put him in another one. He gave Daiki one last look before leaving the clearing with the guard.
“What are you doing Suzuka?” he said as she refused to open her eyes. Her little group had fought each other to exhaustion. They were all sprawled here and there on the ground, breathing heavily. His eyes widened as she opened her mouth. What came next was something he did not expect.
An ear-piercing scream ripped through the air and he fell to the ground, palms pressed against his ears. No matter how hard he pressed, he could not block out the horrible noise. The sound had a strange pitch to it, as if multiple nails were being dragged slowly across a surface.
The pain was unbearable, he felt as if his brain would explode, his eardrums would rupture. His vision was getting blurry, he could see the other men were all unconscious, bleeding from their ears.
“St…stop!” he managed to croak, the blood now flowing from his nose getting between his lips. He started to crawl, across the clearing, dirt and grass beneath his fingers, now bleeding from his ears as well. Daiki's body was trembling and he felt his vision getting dimmer but he pushed on. The way to Suzuka seemed to take forever and the girl was still not out of breath. When he did reach her though he pushed himself onto his feet, reached out trembling hands and grabbed her shoulders before knocking their foreheads together rather hard. Suzuka’s eyes snapped opened, mouth closed shut, shocked at the close proximity. She frowned as she realized his face was untouched by any trace of blood or exhaustion but instead he wore a triumphant grin. Panicking she pushed him away and looked around to realize to her horror that they were standing on a deserted street, a very familiar street that she vaguely remembers frequenting during her university days. On her left was a metal rail bordering a cemented ditch.
She looked at Daiki, eyes teary.
“Where… where are we… ?”
Daiki looked around, as if trying to confirm something before looking back at her with a sigh.
“It appears to me dear… that you’re having a nightmare.”
A/N: You need to have read
Suzuka's story to understand what Daiki did to her at the end. Let me know if there is any confusion! :D Thank you for reading!