Shadow Boys 2: Part 4 Chapter 4

Jun 18, 2013 00:35

Title: Shadow Boys 2 : Midnight Mercury

Part Four: Quicksilver

Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Brotherhood, slight!Romance

Rating: PG - PG 15 (violence)

Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump with some others

Disclaimer: I own the plot, the OCs and the idea...the media, graphics and references to Johhnys is the reason I have this disclaimer.


They risked their lives to save him. Now, to save them, he has to risk everything else. Bonds are tested and the stakes are raised.

They brought him home from hell, now….to protect them…he has to go back….

Part Four

Trust, betrayal...the limits of friendship and amalgamation of different feelings...strength isn't always solid, but sometimes quicksilver.

Chapter Four: Ferocity
“Hi…Hikaru-kun?” Miyano gasped, stumbling backwards. The flaming figure stood in awe, jerking his limbs and swaying his body. He then touched the flames that should have been his hair and sort of jumped.

“Hikaru?” Yuya called and gushed out a rather funny jumble of incomprehensible words as ‘Hikaru’ gave him a cheery wave.  Behind them Keito sighed with relief, while Ryutaro face palmed over Yuto and Yuri’s simultaneous ‘wow!’

“How the hell are your clothes surviving this?” Kei screeched. The silence that followed was a little too awkward, mostly for the only female member of the party. Embarrassed, Miyano dragged herself towards Nakamura’s car, hands clasped over her eyes.

“I…have a spare change of clothes,” came a timid offer from Nakamura. Daiki was more surprised at the way Nakamura was controlling his shock, the very evident fear and his curiosity.

It took a few minutes for the whole party to convince a very playful Hikaru to cut off the fireworks and then to get him into Nakamura’s tracksuit (which the latter claimed had been freshly washed). Miyano had taken to sitting in the backseat of Nakamura’s car, very diligently working on disinfecting and wrapping up her ankle.

By the time she was done, she heard the approaching sirens of an ambulance and when she got out of the car, she also spotted the fire brigade and a police car.

The boys seemed uncomfortable at being swarmed by the paramedics but both Yuya and Hikaru watched with concern when they saw Detective Tanaka stepping out of the police car and marching up to where Nakamura stood trying to offer aid to Miyano.

Sakura shivered, feeling a strange tingle down her spine but then looked at Daiki as she realized the boy was trying to reach into her consciousness. He looked like he was asking for permission so she nodded briefly, quickly turning her gaze to the approaching Detective.

“Miyano Sensei?”


“Was it true that you were with Yamada-san and my son Jun when he was attacked by this…Organization Quicksilver?”

Daiki’s voice echoed in her mind as he told her to answer the detective.

“Yes…I was,”

“And you gave him medical aid until the ambulance arrived?”

“Yes…I did,”

Miyano blinked back her surprise as she was given a genuine smile.

“My son’s awake, you have my thanks…both of you,”

Miyano’s eyes lit up.

“I’m glad, Ryosuke would be ecstatic…he was really worried,”

“Which brings me to why I’m here…Satomi told me…I really can’t believe this…but if these people have the power, finances and the very
troubling will to annihilate you in such a manner, then I have no choice but to take you all under my department’s protection,”


Detective Tanaka nodded.

“I’ve heard how that Suzuki took this group’s leader in for questioning. That man was the one who took all the information we had gathered over months while telling us to act us as the support. Well look what just happened, you kids almost lost your lives! Come, the police will escort you back to the city and there I’ll explain everything.”

“Daiki, Daiki what is he saying?” Hikaru hissed.

“I think,” began the younger.

“We just got ourselves an ally.”

“For the past six months, the city of Tokyo has been plagued by mysterious deaths of street thugs, large scale robberies and not to mention the missing person cases that started even earlier. We didn’t connect them all at first, but with the new intel from the Intelligence division, we’ve got our bets on how they’ve been acquiring staff and such a lavish budget,”

“So,” Hikaru began looking uncertain.

“Nothing’s connected to Kitagawa Ken?”

Detective Tanaka shook his head.

“Not this time, the man’s worked with some he claims to now be members of the organization and he also says that he’s probably number one on their hit list since he treated them unfairly when they were his employees,”

Yuya messed up his hair in frustration.

“Now what?” Yuri asked.

“We need to get you kids to a safe house until we get a progress report from Suzuki-san,”

“We have a safe house, we can lay low there…,” Kei began looking at the others for confirmation. They all nodded wearily in agreement.

“You need to be consistently monitored,” the Detective interjected.

“Please we are tired, we have an apartment that we live in least for tonight, let us go home,” Hikaru responded.

“I’ll take them home sir, and I’ll stay close to keep you updated,” offered a very enthusiastic Nakamura. Yuto and Hikaru exchanged a wary look.

The man seemed to contemplate for a bit before Nakamura took him to the side and very animatedly tried to convince him.

The boys sighed in relief as the Detective nodded.

“Any news from Kota-kun?” Sakura asked Hikaru anxiously as they were led outside the station. The boy shook his head, looking disturbed.

Suzuki was blinking in disbelief at what he was witnessing. He had placed the glass of water before the young man he had been questioning for hours and had stood with his back to him, contemplating on alternatives to get the boy to confess whatever he knew. Maybe they might just make some progress since the boy had requested for complete privacy…no hidden observers, no CCTV. It was the call he had received a few minutes ago about the plane attack that had encouraged the older boy to talk.

But then he had turned around and the disturbance occurring in that glass had him frozen on the spot, mouth hanging open in disbelief. He then stared in shock at the nonchalant young man whose dark brown eyes reflected the little water ballerina doing twirls on the water’s surface.

“What…what kind of trick is this?”

The boy raised his eyes, a rather dangerous, mysterious gaze. He held out a palm and Suzuki stumbled backwards as the ballerina gracefully leaped onto Kota’s hand and continued her dance.

“A flue shot gone wrong,” Kota spoke, a bitter tone to his voice.

“I’ve heard of side effects but this is…this is…there must be some trick behind this!”

“You shouldn’t probe for answers if you can’t tolerate them Suzuki-san!” Kota snapped in reply as the ballerina dissipated out of form, wetting his palm.

“Our company became the victim of a drug trial in the absence of its founder, Ryosuke was the only survivor of the trial…the organization wants the data for this drug, and so they took him,”

“What…does this drug do?”

Kota shrugged.

“A mild version did this to me, what the original can do…I’m not so sure myself,”

“It must give them some super ability…for them to send us a threat like this,”

Kota observed the older man as he paced to and fro, mumbling incoherencies.

“How do I explain this to the higher ups…you boy, you need to show them what you can do!”

Kota sighed.

“I can’t just sit by while they threaten to destroy my home, not when I have the ability to do something about it. I trusted you with this because I’m desperate, they tried to kill my team and I know that I can’t face them alone,”

Suzuki frowned.

“Wait a minute? Are the rest of those boys in your group…also affected?”

Kota’s expressions changed in an instant.

“Don’t you go crushing them in the midst of this fight! I promise to do everything in my power, everything that I know about this organization to bring you to the leader…on the condition that you all stay the hell away from my boys!  Keep them out of this!”

Suzuki blinked at the outburst. The boy was hyperventilating and the lighting was giving his thin face a bony visage.

The man sighed.

“How do you expect me to convince the head of the intelligence division, the General in charge of operations and the police that an ordinary youngster can help us thwart this threat?”

“I will go and confront Ryosuke, I will find him on that Island, gather intel and report to you…it will be less suspicious than a naval ambush. They will think I just came to get him back home. They know I can track Ryosuke, they were probably expecting us that’s why they tried to eliminate us. As soon as I discover their base…I’ll inform you immediately and the government can take any action they seem fit. I don’t really care what happens to me…just leave my boys alone…and don’t let them find out…about me.”


A/N: I know updates are slow beyond belief, but i'm trying to post up as much as possible before I go on leave for exam prep. So yah, two teams will set out to that Island which is the site for the final confrontation and as for what Ryosuke-dono is up to, please look forward to the next chapter! <3

sb2:part four, shadow boys 2

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