*026: My Biggest Influences (Part One)

Jun 16, 2011 02:07

In response to Abi's shinyredapple

Lately, I have been visiting my bestfriends blogs almost everyday. Abi posted about her influences and it inspired me to write something like it too.

I can't deny that a lot of changes have been happening around my life. A lot about me has changed, strangely a lot of my influences at least didn't really change. At least the influences that are important to me.

I consider myself a bit of an artist, though I do go in a different direction from my friends. I love to write and I love photography. But, in the end art is art. Beauty is beauty. We may see things differently, but our aim is always just to create something beautiful or at least our idea of beautiful, as diverse as they are. Oh, and this post was so long I had to cut it in two. So part two will come next time.

1.) Disney - Influence as a writer

I fell in love with Disney as a kid. I loved the music and the stories. My mother would by me dolls and story books of every new Disney movie that came out. It was because of these movies that I started singing and writing. I remember my first performance in front of my family was, 'Part of that World.'

My first stories were also about princesses, evil curses and princes. I am so predictable, but I must have been good because I was asked to represent my class for a writing contest. I won first runner up. To be honest, I can't remember what I wrote anymore. I just remember that it was about a little blue bird. Most likely it had something to do with a prince or princess.

2.) Anne of Green Gables set - Influence as a writer

Once upon a time, I felt like Anne and I had a lot in common. Mostly, we were both dreamers and writers at the same time. I still consider myself that same dreamer, though I feel like I am a little more wiser now. I think the series is very timeless, so someday I'd really love to write something with the same timeless feel. Impossible

I think this is also the book that inspired me to want to write children's books. Not the Twilight kind, one that you can still read as you grow older.

3.) CLAMP (Manga Artists) - Influence as a writer

It is the group that brought us, Magic Knight Rayearth, Cardcaptor Sakura, Kobato, XXXHolic and Tsubasa Chronicles. I really love their art, but I am mostly after their stories. It is usually a hit and miss actually. Sometimes I like their work, sometimes I don't but no matter what CLAMP seems to be experimenting on next, I am always there. Though I tend to avoid the BL.

It is because of them that I also wanted to start experimenting on writing styles and genres. Just to know my strengths and weakness--- and sometimes discontinuing them. They have a writing style that I also want to adapt, but I am going to have a practice a whole lot longer because I am no where near it.

4.) MADA/Flippox - Influence as a photographer and writer

I have only known them for fewer years than most of you have known your bestfriends, but there is no group of people that I trust more than them. I didn't really discover how much I love photography until the recent years. I don't have much support from my family in photography and my sister makes fun of me because I prefer to hold a camera than ride a zipline.

I think it is only my friends who know how much I love clicking away as soon as I have a camera in my hands.

Mimi (chronic_doll or inksandpapercuts) is the one with far-away eyes. I adore her look and I do anything just to see her in a dress. It is very rare that she does wear dresses, but in those rare moments I wish I had a camera in my hands. (90% of those times, I don't. I have such horrible timing.) Her look reminds me of a lot of people Sometimes Olivia Lufkin or Ingrid Michealson.

Mimi is always telling me to get a camera and pushing me to practice more. Because of her, I beginning to feel ready to be more serious.


Kring (blaquecreux or GET A BLOG KRING!) is a real go-person. I enjoy taking her photos, because whereas Mimi is soft and neutral. Kring likes to take chances and likes to show personality in her photos. She has no problem with outside shoots or climbing a ladder or hugging a wall. Sometimes, I even feel I have to do a lot of the catching up. I ask her to do a lot of crazy things, but she still says go. Just, wow. A good model is usually someone not afraid of a challenge. That is Kring. In fact, she jumps!

Kring is also telling me to update my DA more. It is so dead. Maybe I will start doing that, but only when I get my own camera. But I think I am going to stick being a blogger.


Dan (gilgrado) was around when I first started falling in love with the camera. She was around when I still first SUCKED. Maybe I still do, but that isn't the point. She tolerated and enjoyed my random desires and calls for "Photoshoot!" I loved Dan and I loved taking photos of her because she was a go-person too. I made her hug the ground/grass.

I haven't seen her in a while, she is a pretty busy person. But anytime she wants to have another moment in front of the camera. I'd still love that.

Abi (chocoryou or shinyredapple) is a very beautiful person inside and out. And the SADDEST part of knowing this is that I am not around to capture every second of her awesomeness! I want to scream and cry because I want to be around when she is being Esmeralda or take photos of her drawing in class.

Yes, Abi. When we meet again, I am going to drag you to a studio, steal someone's camera and let out five years worth of absence in that moment... so maybe we can leave the studio after five hours? I miss you that much.

5.) Olivia Lufkin - Influence as a writer

When I write, I love listening to music. Preferably, music that doesn't have words or music that I have no idea what they are saying. I often listen to OLIVIA when I am writing anything. For school or myself. I have no idea why. Mimi's influence maybe. I like the feel of a rough fairytale in her music and the fact that she reminds me of a pixie--- a very strong-eyed pixie? I have no idea where this came from.

Olivia's style is a bit romantic and I like that, though it is still very strong. So, I can't really think of her music as the maiden that needs rescue from the tower. It is more likely she will be rescuing the prince from the tower.

!friends, !list, rl, !interest

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