Apr 10, 2009 08:32
LJ Flist cut
Unfortunately I've removed a few people from my flist.
To some of the people I have removed, it shouldn't be much of a surprise. This relationship we have is not double sided, I know when stuff is being hidden from me or I'm being taken advantage of & I don't think I really want you reading some of the cr@p I post on here anymore. I'm sure this feeling will be mutual since you hide most things from me anyway, I'll save you the trouble & just admit neither of us need this. I'm going to keep my journal experiences fun, you're free to do your own thing anyways & I'm free to do mine. I've tried, now I'm tired & really don't care anymore. I don't even know what we were doing or if trying was even worth it. You're probably going to be pissed at me...
To others, I may know you at a face value, but we aren't really close enough for you to be reading my journals as a lot of them are quite personal or directed only at close friends anyway, you probably wouldn't enjoy them & you have my contact details on DA or other websites anyway. Plus I hate having to work out the custom filters on here, it feels weird blocking some people & allowing others. TT3TT
Also to anyone who adds me & I don't add back, please tell me who you are, I can't guess people from the random usernames on LJ sorry.
Thankyou for the time together. If you really want to chase me up further on this you can contact my on msn or note on DA. Most of you should have those details, if not, that might explain the cut. >.>'''
I'm sorry <3
This is not a pleasant situation, but I think I might feel a bit more secure after it.