Ross Campbell of "Wet Moon" fame
is auctioning a print of his character Kinzoku (click on picture) on eBay for Haitian Earthquake relief.
I love this guy's art, so, so much. He draws such a variety of body and ethnic types, and in such a way that... hmmm, how can I put this. They are sexualized women (he is a dude after all ~__^), but not in such a way that privileges one type of sexuality over another? Or... it's quite obvious that he finds all these women way hot and is not just exaggerating the "weird" ones. His girls look like real girls that you know: plump, skinny, medium, muscular or soft, small or big chested, dainty and "butch." Big and small in a variety of bignesses and smallnesses, and ethnicities (and mixtures thereof) that often get overlooked. And he gets the bone structure right! They have different noses! They have tummies! Their thighs touch each other!
It makes me feel pretty. :-D
So, yeah, check out the auction, but also, check out
Wet Moon. (There are five volumes out now, and the art has definitely evolved with time, as is normal.)
ADDENDUM: I've completely forgotten to mention that I like the STORY, too. It's got an oddly rare realism to it. And it's inclusive, in many ways, not just visually. Plus it's gotten all gripping and heart-tuggy on me.