Drabbley goodness.

Apr 06, 2010 10:12

Title: Many Lines For The Dearly Departed

Pairing: Urhh, a few, on is the REAL, which is John/George, and somee George/John (seme=first, uke=second) and the most implied one is Eric/George, and soooome slighttt Paul/George

Rating: It varies really, but nothing too explicit..

A/N: HAY. I bet most of you know me--Was I sposed to put in an intro? ;w; I'll do that when i'm not suffering kthnxbai. Uhhh. I was inspired to make this John/George thing by WithALittleWit, who rocks. Thankums for teh plot bunnies. :3 Uhh.. I'm all loopy on fucking dramamine.. ...or whatever.. and I feel like shit and I won't stop shivering. My you-know-what is here too. Goody fucking goody. And I can't move my legs riiight. Fuuuuuck. UH.. ANYWAY.. UH... THAT'S MY UH EXCUSE FOR THE CRAPPYNESS... CRAPPINESS.. FUCK MY STOMACH HURTS.. Uh.... ;____; ONWARD.


#01 - Motion-
And with one swift motion, he had George in his arms and had them both in the car.

#02 - Cool-
John was the cool one, slicked back hair and sly eyes, and George was the skinny vulnerable one, boy did they make a pair.

#03 - Young-
Dhani was so young, too young maybe, but he loved that child-and it was like a stab in the chest.

#04 - Last-
"Last one in's gotta bunk with John," Paul cried as everyone sped up to play along, but George just stayed behind, grinning to himself.

#05 - Wrong-
"No no no," John turns angry eyes at George, who only smiles crookedly and chirps, "that's wrong Da."

#06 - Gentle-
Who knew that John could ever be so gentle?

#07 - One-
But it was the one time he would ask that question.  [FUUUU...]

#08 - Thousand-
George walked over to the window clumsily, rousing another round of screams from thousands of teens below them.

#09 - King-
They were on top, the kings of the queens and all else everywhere, but tonight, one of them would be a little bit of the queen. [FFFFU DIDN'T COME OUT RIGHT.]

#10 - Learn-
He had to learn one way or another, he figured.

#11 - Blur-
It was all a blur to him now, what happened last night, but the look he was getting from John was enough to tell him enough--He needed another drink.

#12 - Wait-
He hated waiting, absolutely DESPISED it, and in this case, he hated it even harder.

#13 - Change-
"I'm changing John, sod off!"

#14 - Command- 
He only had to say one word and George would follow, like he was the master with the command and the dog with the intent to follow.

#15 - Hold-
"Took you long enough," John breathed, tugging the younger man into his arms.

#16 - Need-
"I need you," he sang, his eyes flitting over to John who broke out into a grin-he had to look away.

#17 - Vision-
His vision was bad, he didn't need some skinny kid telling him that-but he didn't do anything about it.

#18 - Attention-
It didn't take much to lose John's attention, and it didn't take much to get George's attention-Together, they were the defect-o-twins.

#19 - Soul- 
They couldn't help but stare at their copies of Rubber soul and think how sexy the other looked.

#20 - Picture-
All he had now were these mental pictures of someone he would've rather let be.

#21 - Fool-
With a pointed finger, he suddenly billowed, "you're a mad fool, John-- you'll die a mad fool--And it'll be that THING'S fault when you do!!"

#22 - Mad-
When his song was rejected for the millionth time, he could only go on a mad rant to Eric and then punch a hole in a wall--Eric kept the hole after all those years ago (Eric still couldn't believe he punched that hole in the wall).

#23 - Child-
It didn't matter how many years that child put on, he would always be just that- a child.

#24 - Now-
It didn't matter now, that John was dead-you can't fix something when the glue is gone. [A/N Hi again, I based this one on the comment George made in an interview where they asked if a reunion was gonna happen, but he said something about John being dead, and I saw his eyes just kinda cloud over. It hurt. BAD.]

#25 - Shadow-
John was a champion sneaker as long as George wasn't around to see his shadow.

#26 - Goodbye-
When he waved goodbye to the people from ontop of the roof, he was only trying to ignore the tawny haired man walking away with his new cancer.

#27 - Hide-
George scrambled underneath the table, shattering glasses of whatever the hell as he giggled in his desperate attempt to hide.

#28 - Fortune-
Now, they had everyone's dream: fame and fortune-he just wished it didn't have to end like THIS.

#29 - Safe-
When George watched John walk away with his arm around those small shoulders, he knew that man wouldn't be safe.

#30 - Ghost-
So he fell to his knees--images of a ghost long passed, swarming his mind--And he cried.

#31 - Book-
They wouldn't have moved if it weren't for that book tossed between them.

#32 - Eye-
"John, Julian is not glaring at you- he’s a baby; babies can’t glare." [Sorry Wittykins, I just love this line. :'D]

#33 - Never-
"Never fucking lie to me, ever again," a mutter sent ice to freeze and drip down George's spine.

#34 - Sing-
He had to sing, singing was his life, it made him who he was today, but with every crooning line, he felt that disturbing warmth around him, and peirce into his eyes..he couldn't bring himself to do it for a while.

#35 - Sudden-
All of a sudden, all that was left to show George was even in the room at all was a shattered plate and dripping cloth--he was never one for bad news of any kind.

#36 - Stop-
George thrashed his head around against the light blue painted wall, screaming out a single word that had lost its meaning in this dreadful meeting.

#37 - Time-
"Where does the time go?," John thinks aloud as he watches George produce mass hits after mass hits.

#38 - Wash-
"Wash up George, we gotta go."

#39 - Torn-
George stumbled into the car, pitching forward onto John's lap, who clicked his tongue at the torn shirt the skinny lad was sporting.

#40 - History-
They had a history of slamming eachother into walls anyway-Ringo just put a pillow over his head and sang his heart out as he waited for them to come out.

#41 - Power-
Cloudy brown eyes just stared into captivating shaded ones as he wondered how he lost the power this time.

#42 - Bother-
"Don't bother me John," George says angrily before John quips at him, "Stop quoting your songs, son."

#43 - God-
When news of the shooting came bursting onto his screen, he wondered bitterly where his God was, and most importantly why it had let him down.

#44 - Wall-
He had never thought a wall could call to him that loudly until that particular moment.

#45 - Naked-
George knows he souldn't be nervous, and it didn't help at all when John told him to picture everyone naked; He just turned red and paced a hole into the ground.

#46 - Drive-
George sighs in irritation, "John, John, JUST DRIVE JOHN," He shouts, waving his arms around, "It's a fuckin' car, John, not a bloody UFO!"

#47 - Harm-
"One hit never harmed no one," John mumbled as he handed the joint to George, who eyed it carefully as a cat would.

#48 - Precious-
He was a skinny lad, mop top hair, big ears, obvious cheekbones and nasally voice, but it just made him all the more precious.

#49 - Hunger-
"John," George starts, a whine in his voice that John knows too well, and suddenly, that voice is gone as a pair of lips seal it away.

#50 - Believe-
All he wanted was for John to believe him, and get over this whole thing-the fuzzy bastard rug under his cheek was eating holes in him in the first place.

lawl, georhn, lennison, raep, slash, john lennon, harinnon, hurhurhur, beatlesslash, beatles, geroge harrison, jeorge

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