Something I wrote for english class.

Sep 13, 2010 10:16

Bus stop.

I am waiting for the bus on a foggy Thursday morning in the late Auttumn. Holding up my umbrella, my only defense from the falling rain that I wouldn't mind if I wasn't on my way somewhere important, I turn my head to the side. I gaze with curiousity at the people who sit on the canopied bench behind me. One of them, wearing a suit and tie looks up. Quickly, I look away, pretending to stare now at the house at the end of the sidewalk. I hear a buzz, a rumble, and then a screech, and gasoline replaces the smell of rain and rotting leaves in my head.

I step closer to the edge of the sidealk, hoping to avoid being pushed into railings and puddles when I board the bus, which was coming around the corner. Once it stops, grey and large, infront of the blue sign that read "BUS STOP", I see an elderly woman with sad green eyes out of the corner of my own. I let her, and the other people pass me with a simple nod of my head.

The bus is full and the driver shrugs with an apologetic look. I smile with a shrug of my own and step back a little, and the doors close. The bus leaves and by now i'm starting to feel like the distressed female character in a Lifetime movie who gets knocked around and onto her knees all the time. No longer can I hear the sound of rain, which had left a second before the bus had, and I close my umbrella with a small sigh.

"I'll just walk," I say under a breath that's visible against the foggy city air, and I walk on, each step in time withthe song that's been in my head since 3:30. I decide then, that I don't need a bus ride anyway.

writing, random, assignment, boredom

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