hot burning tears on my cheeks
pain made real, salty, endless,
a raging sea a reckless storm
i can't control, i won't control;
we all know these moments
wishing that we didn't ..
racking sobs of utter loss
as blood circles down, down,
down, and gone forever;
that call you almost didn't answer
but your gut made you, your fear,
with the hardest words you've
ever, ever heard;
those tears that blind you as
you try to clearly watch her
walk away, walk away,
walk away,
for the final time;
angry bitter tears, injustice
made all too real, pain burning
across your flesh to match
a heart torn apart.
there's an ocean, a world
of tears behind me, drowning
everything, joys or sorrows,
and rivers more before me
while i search for home