Have you ever bought an item that you were... ashamed of? I mean, an item that was so expensive that it was shameful? I recently bought a dream item, and my thought process went something like this:
I'm so excited! This has been a dream for so long!
This is a lot of money though, it could have gone to better use...
Maybe I made the wrong decision by going through with this?
But I love it so much! It'll be put to good use!
Hah... I'm so greedy... I buy items like this, yet 1 in 8 people are in poverty. I'm such a bad person OTL OTL
This happens every single time I buy something I don't need. I'm so terrible about spending money! I'm so frugal that l literally only buy food when the fridge is completely empty (this usually includes me eating leftovers that are almost a month old...) <-- FUN FACT: My mother calls me the human garbage can, ahah!
I feel so hypocritical as well! During Dharma studies at the temple, almost ALL scriptures mention practicing abstinence from greediness aka don't buy crap you don't need. Except, I'M A MOTHERFUCKING LOLITA. MY HOBBY IS BASED AROUND BUYING CRAP I DON'T NEED.
If any of you were wondering, I'm the process of buying this baby:
I'm horrible