tagged by aria + yumikoyui!

Jan 20, 2010 16:31

A. List ten habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag ten people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. I really like kinder eggs. For those who do not know what they are, a kinder egg is a chocolate egg that has a plastic toy inside! I loved eating these as a child, however, you cannot get them in the United States because of a bill that illegalizes the embedding of non-food items inside of food items. Every now and then I get a craving for kinder eggs, which always remains unfulfilled ):

2. I am ambidextrous.

3. I tend to type "ahahahaah" a lot. I'm not exactly sure where I picked this up, but I can't remember a time when I didn't use it! I use it to portray smiling/laughing/breaking awkward moments (???) It gets annoying, but I can't help it, ahahah! <--- see? Just imagine me with a goofy smile on my face whenever I use it, because thats usually the expression on my face when I type it!

4. I have a phobia of the wind. Whenever it gets really windy out, I start having a panic attack. I'm not sure how I developed this phobia, but my parents have told me that I've had it ever since I was 4 years old. I don't know, I just get really antsy when I see the trees blowing in the wind. I've been able to tame it thus far, but when it gets really bad I have to go inside and calm down.

5. I tend to remember very miniscule and mundane details about people. I remember what my friends ordered for dinner 3 nights ago at Olive Garden. I remember a phone number that Becca told me to save for her a month ago. I also remember birthdays! I tend to associate them with famous events that happened in the past. btw, Happy Belated Birthday, Maaike! I think I forgot to wish you one D: <-- irony! ahah

6. Speaking of which, John Lennon died on my birthday. One time, I had a teacher who loved the Beatles! She loved them so much, that on December 8th she gave a speech about how wonderful John Lennon was. Imagine her, tearing up about him, and then imagine me, wearing a birthday hat. I'm pretty sure she hated me, aha!

7. I love Blythe dolls, but I cannot see myself owning one! I think the adjustable eyes really seal the deal for me.

8. I want to bring back the maxi-pad headdresses, but I cannot figure out how to modernize them!

9. My favourite artist is, and always will be Imogen Heap! I've been following her since 2002.

10. I'm very shy, but I'm working on it!

SO, I tag addictive_sugar, queenoffantasy, misscuddlefish, bakaneko47, dohreimee, corrosivematter, ongaku_chan, sullend0ll, knives_outx, and archfaith!


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