wishlist #1

Sep 13, 2009 20:34

MIHO MATSUDA Medical Fur Stole

Angelic Pretty Carnival Applique OP

Angelic Pretty Melody Doll OP

Angelic Pretty Chandelier JSK

Angelic Pretty Chandelier Socks

Innocent World Bird Cage JSK

Innocent World Fawn Stole

Vivienne Westwood Knuckle Duster Ring

Seraphim OP

Ahhh I applied at a plant nursery and they called back and said that they would want me in march, because they are generally closed during the wintertime. Becca said she wanted to apply to Teavana, maybe Andrew could vouch for her? (even though he quit ahaha)

Anyway, omg lolita wishlisssst! I think I'm going to make myself a Miho Matsuda replica, because I can't find that stole anywhere! I'm working on my sewing skills, so it would be good practice. I really want a velvet dress for the wintertime, but I feel like if I splurge and get the chandelier jsk, something else is going to be released and it will blow my mind! A dress I really want for the fall is the Melody Doll OP! Ever since i saw an ad with Sachi in it, I have been pining for it! i actually had the opportunity to buy it off egl_comm_sales, but I need to save for NYAF! Eee, Seraphim is seriously one of my favourite indie brands. I love the fact that Sachi is a model for them as well!

On a side (but related) note, someone is selling the Twinkle Mermaid dress Sachi modeled for Angelic Pretty (the actual dress!) on mbok for like 1000usd. Ahhhh if money was burning a hole in my pocket I would get it in a heartbeat!

lolita, nyaf, wishlist

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