Oct 03, 2004 21:43
Okay so britt comes over and we go to panera, they gave us soup in STYROFOAM bowls.. it was wierd.
then we went to walmart and we were in the haloween part, playing with masks and what not.
* britt to lady : do you see this, did you hear what she just called me? should i be friends with someone like this??!
Lady: i dont think you should be friends with anyone who doesnt like fags..
i think im gonna stop saying that too.. britt was telling me what pat told her.. DONT SAY FAG!
Then my cousins and my aunt come over.. my cousin is the cutest thing EVER. ask anyone whos seen her..
and then me and britt walk back to her house and then we try and make plans and we couldnt figure out what to do for a long ass time, then mike called and said he couldnt go out.. and pat was on his way over.. pat gets to britts and I open the door and pats like.. go outside. and I was like WHAT ITS FREEZING so after a lil bit I go outside and mike was there!! I ran to him and chested him really hard i guess, so we sat at britts computer, till like 11:45 listening to music, looking at pictures, talking, and watching the fat kid get shot with B.Bs. oh wow that was funny. and then they left, and britt went to sleep haha what a party pooper..
then shit happend and its really not something i want to talk about but its not that bad it just made me realize what drugs do to you.. i mean i know how it goes, but ive never really had an actually experiance with it, i dont know, it makes me never want to go to a party..
it was a total mind fuck...