Hows the world?? Well, in my wounderful world, nothing awsome is going on!!
I just found some AWSOME Miyavi tour goods!! It's for his Neo Visualizm tour and the stuff is AWSOME!! This year he has a hat, shirt, cellphone strap, tour bag, mirror, and a fragrance!!! All of which is purple and PINK!! (if you didn't know those are his fav colours!!)
Everyone has heard about the third Death Note movie, right??? Devoted to L!! *Fan girl squeellllll* I'm hoping that it's the B.B. case.
MONO is coming to Arizona!!! It's going to be Sept. 22 at the Club House!! I am SOOOOO going!!
For info about Mono: L'arc en ciel has a new single that came out "My Heart Draws a Dream" I uploaded the song with a few others!!
L'arc en Ciel - My Heart Draws a dream: (Japanese)
Kyo - Tout Envoyer En L'Air: (french)
LM.C - Haunted House make a Secret: (Japanese)
Beat Crusaders - Dancing Queen: (Japanese band)