Late-October Update

Mar 16, 2006 15:58

Yes, I'm a bit behind on my updates. Looking back, my last update was October 19th, and I was in something of a bad mood. And rightly so, since Josh wasn't even pretending to sleep through the night back then. Two months of no sleep will take a toll on you. But I digress. On to the update!

After a lengthy LJ post wondering how new parents were supposed to get anything done, I realized that things were improving. As a matter of fact, that I could even think about stuff not getting done meant that I had more time--and more sleep--to work with. Things were looking up. We both were starting to feel better, grouse less... We even made it to church, and Josh seemed to enjoy the experience! And then, things got even better when Josh slept the night!! It was only eight hours, but it was heaven to us. Then, he did it again! Only seven hours that time, but we took it. And then, he got sick.

Infant colds aren't fun, and it meant he stopped even pretending to sleep the night. Then Jenn got sick, too. Jenn was still stuck at home with Josh, but I filled-in after work. Jenn was pretty miserable, especially since she wasn't 100% from her surgery. But she was appreciative of the long naps I afforded her by watching Josh. That made me feel better about us, since we were both too tired to really be overly appreciative of each other before then. Actually, even with Josh back to a feeding or two each night, we were still getting more sleep. Especially since Jenn was getting off of the pump! Jenn would awake to uncomfortable breasts, as before, but she did not have to get out of bed as much to take care of them. And the less Jenn got out of bed, the less I woke up. Ahhh!

On the 28th, Jenn took Josh to Wiard's with the neighbors and their kids--in costume! Josh was a giraffe! Many pictures were taken--which will be forthcoming, after I catch up on my updates. Then, it was on to a church choir Halloween party. We didn't think it would be very fun, especially since we hadn't seen the choir in over two months, but we were wrong! Josh thoroughly enjoyed all the lights and dangling things and all the people... And we remembered why we liked church choir. If only we could hang out with the folks without devoting so much time to the singing. Ah well. It improved our collective mood yet again. I did some last-minute yard work and cleaning that weekend, and then it was Halloween day! We went over to the neighbors--again in costume--and hit a handful of houses on the street. What fun! It rained a bit, but the kids didn't mind. It actually helped keep the streets from getting too crowded. Afterwards, I had a great deal of fun holding Josh while handing out candy. Jenn got me a hot cocoa, and Josh quickly crashed out. Our little sleeping giraffe got a lot of smiles, although he did nearly scare away a few kids when he woke up demanding food. Eventually, it got too cold for the both of us and we went in, but it was a very good weekend.

More to come soon, but I'm out of time today.


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