Sep 28, 2008 19:20
So in preparation of my new year, I'm trying to tie up loose ends with my previous year. So far so good, so bad, and so confusin!!
First off, I told Donald about a week ago that I needed to talk to him. I thought that I had gird my loins and could pull it off, but it seems that I couldn't. I looked for him all over that whole week and I couldn't find him and I jus got really irritated with it all. So I wrote him a note, it basically stated that I sold his shit, that I wasn't going to forgive him for what he did and made it seem like he got me prego. (Yeah I know it was messed up that I did that, but fuck him.) What really pissed me off about it all was I told him, "In all honesty I still cannot look at you let alone talk to you." His response, with a slight smile and a light chuckle, "Why's that?!" I gave him my worst look, "You know what you did. Don't act like shit is alright." Then I handed him his CDs and the note. He takes them and looks at it. "This is it?" I walk around to the driver's seat and open the door, "Yep." Got in and he took off so I did as well. Sucka! LOL
The one thing that I wanted to get fixed was my guy shit. I'm tired of going from guy to guy and then getting called out and all this other stuff. So, I swore guys off. (plus it was hinted that I was kind of a whore or a hoe, yeah not good!) Especially when Sean told me that he and I shouldn't mess around or be anything anymore. It kind of killed me a little. It seems that I like him more than I should. So that's when I swore guys off. Well, that lasted till Thursday night when I started makin out with this guy from my Sociology class. Then he came over and hung out with me Friday then last night he stayed the night and every time I was with him I felt a little guilty. I really do like sean's bitchass. I don't even know why either. Him and I only argue and get bump heads. He keeps tryin to change me and for religion and other morals and values on me. It sucks. Then Sean and I got in another arguement Friday night and then Saturday afternoon he said him and I were no longer friends, but then Saturday night before we went out he said thathim and I should still be friends! AAAAHHHHHHHHH I'm so confused! He's such a girl! Always changing his mind and playing mind games and just games!! It sucks so bad! I'm sick of it, but I miss him! This new guy is too skinny for me! LOL I like my guys husky and he's not really or not even at all!! Haha Who complains about that, right?
Uh, Sean make up your freakin mind and quit playin games. Don't change shit last minute. Don't use me then act like nothing happened. If you like me then don't fight it. Let it happen. I'm sorry that I messed with that guy, but nothing happened. You were in my head. You're always in my head. I hate you right now! LOL I don't like all these games and "trials" or whatever you called them. Quit putting me through this shit. Geezus yo. Geezus...
Other than that things are good. Sean's bitchass is the only thing that's really holding me back or distracting me. I'm working on homework for once and then studying for my test on tuesday! Who'da thought I'd do such a thing, right?! LOL Ok I'm done. I'm starting to get annoyed and I want to throw the key board across the room. Sean hasn't even text me back either. WTF Oh god, I'm sprung! LOL Geezus what have I become. I need to cut shit off with this guy, but he's so good. He powwows and and and sings and and his hair. Oh god. K laters.!!