Sep 05, 2008 11:55
I think I'm am now with this guy named Sean. He's alright.
Wanna know what really bugs me though? Yesterday when I hugged him I didn't feel anything. And when we were laying there it jus felt like I was hugging a pillow or something. You know how you can feel the vibe or feel how much someone likes your or cares about you when you hug them? I couldn't feel anything from him. Sherry said to give it more time, but honestly it jus bothers me. . .what if it doesn't happen? Does that mean that we are with each other to be with someone or what?
He's a decent guy. He'll be 22 in January. He's always asking me all these questions and bout me and what I think. Then he wants to know if I have anything to ask him, but I always say, no. I'm not the type of person to do 21 questions with someone, I get my questions answered from how they act and what they do. I jus watch them and be around them. However, he seems kind of needy. Always sayin, "what you aren't going to text me anymore." and such things. I feel that I don't always have to text him. I'm a person of little words! LOL
I'll update more later. . .Or document him later!! LOL