We haven't had a fillathon on the meme for a while, and while we do still get amazing prompts we have many equally amazing unfilled ones, and a frustrating mass of WIPs that haven't been updated in months. I can't help but feel that especially the WIP situation is particularly sad
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We can't close the meme for new prompts of course (well, the kinkmeme mod could, if people are in favour of a fillathon we could contact the mod and ask), but we could dedicate one week to filling, updating, and in general creating fic for prompts we've meant to work on for ages but never got around to.
I mean it sounds good, I don't intend to do part 10 for awhile so holiday-eque would be a great idea if other people liked it.
You wouldn't actually do anything to part nine itself as I don't think there's a way to disable comments directly to the post while still allowing comments on other comments, but the mod used to screen new prompts that came in during the fill-a-thon and repost them to the new part (or unscreen) afterwards.
I just put up part nine and someday might do ten *shrugs*. I hope that answers your question.
I was hoping there was a way but I guess there isn't so, yea I know how to do that. I guess I'll wait and see what other people think. I don't want to overstep my boundaries and just do it but I think it's a great idea.
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