[mod post] delicious

May 07, 2011 22:24

just an update about delicious because i know we're holding out on you guys and it's not fair.

eta second; WE WILL BE MOVING THE DELCIOUS ACCOUNT. i know this might seem like the worst to all of you right now, especially if you have things bookmarked yourselves, but it's the only thing we can do without going back and changing url's or by making more work for ourselves. this way, everything is still bookmarked and we can tag all of the new stuff without repeating ourselves.

of course, there will be a transition period. the new delicious is TSNkinkmemeArchive. as you can see, everything is already moved over and we're in the process of tagging things right now.

thank you for your patience!

the reason we've had so much trouble as of late is because livejournal changed the URL's used to access everything and it's messed with the delicious add-on which means that we can't tell what's been tagged and what hasn't. we're in the process of deciding what to do about this but EVERYTHING will be tagged within the next two weeks. i have an exam on monday and then i break up for the summer so i promise, i will be around to make sure everything is tagged and this comm is running as smoothly as possible. thank you all for taking this so well because i know it's frustrating and i know it's not the best thing when your mod fails you!

i hope you all bear with us just a little bit longer and we'll have the delicious back on track :D

eta; we're looking for volunteers once more for helping out with the archive. we need people to help out with part five! if you'd like to join the team, leave a comment or PM my journal. thank you!


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