Dec 23, 2011 07:26

FILL-A-THON [third edition]
23 December 2011 @ 7.30 until 30 December 2011 7.30

the comments on PART NINE have been momentarily stopped for now because some of the prompts from previous fills have been left unfilled for a long time and we want to give them some love :)

one of the general rules on the first page was that you should try and fill as much as you request so until 07.30 GMT +1 ON FRIDAY 23 of December there are no new prompts allowed and only FILLS.

post in the comments links to your favourite prompts that you think should have something written for them or think someone might have overlookd, or post the prompts that you have just filled.

there is an overflow post HERE for any early parts with 9,000 comments or more; ideally use that to fill the prompt at unless you're updating an old fic you wrote. Any issues please PM me oresteia, I'm around and I stalk.

most importantly: have fun!

Kitty, most of this post re-done from fill-a-thon part II.


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