May 07, 2011 05:28




IMPORTANT: please DO NOT post prompts about any non-public people as part of a prompt. for ( Read more... )

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Comments 7023

Eduardo/Mark kissoffools May 7 2011, 04:43:17 UTC
I don't know what I've done
Or if I like what I've begun
But something told me to run
And honey you know me it's all or none

[lyrics from where i stood.]


Mark/Eduardo Fairytale AU anonymous May 7 2011, 04:48:54 UTC
I've had this idea in my head for the past few days of a Mark/Eduardo version of the Snow Queen. It's one of my absolute favorite fairtales and I think it could actually work pretty well with this fandom.

I imagine Mark would play the role of Kai (the boy who falls victim to the shards of the snow queen's evil mirror) and Eduardo would fill the role of Gerda (who goes on a journey to rescue him). Sean as the snow queen? I don't know.

I don't really want to put too many quidelines on this, I don't mind how strictly or loosely you base it off the original story. If you somehow include facebook into it (or some fairytale version of it) that's fine, and it's okay if you don't. Toss Chris and Dustin in there somewhere if you want

For those of you unfamiliar with the story: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Snow_Queen#Summary


Re: Fill Eduardo/Mark Fairytale AU Part 1 (a) anonymous May 17 2011, 06:45:48 UTC
[a/n: so, for some reason this is set in vaguely victorian-era england? idek. what is historical accuracy. forgive me, OP!] Eduardo watched silently as the men divested his childhood home of its valuables. Groups of them came through the large double doors of the entrance in threes and fours, lugging heavy bits of furniture between them (his father had had excellent taste in antiques, from what Eduardo could remember). They had carted off the more fragile things earlier in the day, but not very efficiently ( ... )


Re: Fill Eduardo/Mark Fairytale AU Part 1 (b) anonymous May 17 2011, 06:49:31 UTC
Finally, after what seemed like an interminable wait, and after all the furniture that could possibly be sold had been hurriedly carried away, his solicitor turned back to Eduardo, snapping his black leather gloves on briskly. Eduardo was nearly swaying on the spot by then. He hadn’t eaten anything besides a light stew for dinner the night before, but he wasn’t about to mention this to a complete stranger.

Lawyers are a necessary evil, Eduardo, his father had said to him once, before all the drinking and the-before everything. They feed on you like leeches, and if you don’t give them blood willingly, they’ll take it from you anyway. Never trust them. But this man didn’t look particularly threatening. He just looked annoyed that he’d been forced to stand in the sun for an entire afternoon for a dead client who had lost all his money on drink and cards ( ... )


Re: Fill Eduardo/Mark Fairytale AU Part 1 (c) anonymous May 17 2011, 06:54:10 UTC
“Eduardo, my boy,” she’d said, leaning close to him right before leaving, the scent of talcum powder and eucalyptus oil on her achingly familiar to him, “Take care of yourself. And write-write often. Even for silly things--you write to me, Eduardo, I will want to know. I may not write back always-you know my letters are not good, and postage is expensive, but sometimes I will ( ... )


Eduardo/Mark, Conqueror AU roopkatha May 7 2011, 04:51:29 UTC
I've been watching 'The Borgias" and reading my text of Christopher Marlowe's play 'Tamburlaine 1 & 2', and found that fencing!Mark reminds me of the mold of the Renaissance over-reaching, self-fashioning man. So, how about a story where Mark is a military commander who wants to make the known world his kingdom, and hence forces/tricks Eduardo who is a rich banker/prince(ss) into marriage so he can get his hands on his money to fund his campaign. Set in either Renaissance Europe (England, Italy etc) or Middle East, maybe?


Eduardo/Mark MPREG (triggers:miscarriage) anonymous May 7 2011, 04:58:07 UTC
Mark is pregnant but never let Eduardo know, the whole your shares are gone and I'm suing you thing got in the way. He miscarries badly in the middle of the deposition.


Fill: My Body is a Cage 1a/? (TRIGGERS: Miscarriage) anonymous June 12 2011, 02:40:11 UTC

Author Notes: Underlined = quotes from the screenplay. Italics with Week, Day, hour, minutes, seconds = setting.Other in Italics = thoughts. Bold = texts. Keep in mind this is the prologue. Please enjoy. PS I hate the character limit.

>          My Body is a Cage          <

The depositions have been going on for about 4 months. However, it's been exactly 18 weeks since Eduardo and Mark , were EduardoandMark. Exactly 126 days, 3024 hours, 181440 minutes or 10886400 minutes. Take your pick, either way it's been a long time.

Mark sighs. Stuck in this office staring at Eduardo, the lawyer bitch Gretchen, his steno pad, his own lawyer Sy, or even out the window as their as our story is being told.


Re: Fill: My Body is a Cage 1b/? (TRIGGERS: Miscarriage) anonymous June 12 2011, 02:45:05 UTC

Week 1, day 1, 19 hours, 35 minutes and 12 seconds.

Wardo's plane landed almost 15 minutes ago and Mark still doesn't see his ridiculously fluffy hair amongst the throngs of people in the baggage claim section of the airport. Rationally Mark knows that nothing could have happened to Eduardo between now and the 15 minutes that passed when Eduardo text rang on his phone.

Jst landed. C u soon :).

But Mark's nervous and a bit jittery. He knows he's gotta tell Wardo about the dilution soon and he's already resolved to do it while Wardo's here in California for the Millionth Member party, when he finally sees him.

All tall limbs and lanky build in his trademark suit, familiar poufy hair and big brown eyes. As soon as he catches Wardo's eye, all thought about Facebook and the talk are out the window. He sees a wide grin stretch across Wardo's features and all Mark can think is I missed you.

About 45 minutes later, when his hoodie's been tossed to the floor and Wardo, has him stretched out on his bed, hovering above him as he kisses a trail across ( ... )


Re: Fill: My Body is a Cage 1c/? (TRIGGERS: Miscarriage) anonymous June 12 2011, 02:52:00 UTC

Week 1, Day 2, 19 hours, 17 minutes and 39 seconds

He never even saw him. Never saw him get stopped by that fucking lawyer. Never saw him walk straight up to his desk. Never saw him talk to Sean.

Not until he heard the crack of the laptop against the desk did he register what was happening. But as soon as Mark saw the look, that devastated look of complete and utter betrayal, on Wardo's face he knew.

"How 'bout now, are you still wired in?"

"You signed the papers." He doesn't even know what he's saying and he can't stop himself. Stop himself from taking this somewhere eles. Somewhere private, like it should have been.

"You set me up."

"You're gonna blame me beause you were the business head of the company and you made a bad business deal with your own company?" All Mark can think is No it wasn't supposed to come out like that, I didn't mean it!

So caught up in his thoughts he's barely paying attention to Sean and Wardo it's like he's underwater and can't understand.

It's not until Eduardo's yelling, "Tell me this isn't about me getting into ( ... )


[AU] Eduardo/Mark or Andrew/Jesse- Bookshop AU anonymous May 7 2011, 05:28:20 UTC
I don't mind about the actual mechanics, I just really want an AU in which one person runs a bookshop, and the other becomes a regular customer. Flirting, romance, etc. follows!


Re: [AU] Eduardo/Mark or Andrew/Jesse- Bookshop AU leladancer18 May 7 2011, 16:59:41 UTC
Anon, I believer are two stories that fit your description. I think they were posted in part three, four, or even five. Sorry that I don't have any direct links for you.


FILL: Eisenbooks 1a/? anonymous May 7 2011, 22:48:00 UTC
Hello! The prompt spoke to me, what can I say? I'm a sucker for these boys. Sigh.Jesse wipes down the counter and sighs when the dust lifts up and makes him sneeze. It's been a bit dead in here all day, what with his little shop still being relatively new and a Barnes and Noble just round the bend. He gazes out the window, watching the people pass by, oblivious to his complete and utter boredom ( ... )


FILL: Eisenbooks 1b/? anonymous May 7 2011, 23:22:29 UTC
"That's my mum's favorite movie," someone says from behind him. "She watches it with all her girlfriends every Sunday night ( ... )


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