Mar 17, 2011 15:25




IMPORTANT: please DO NOT post prompts about any non-public people as part of a prompt. for example: randi zuckerberg is fine ( Read more... )

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Re: Fill #1, Part 8: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous August 13 2011, 04:20:09 UTC
Mark looked at calender, there was something wrong with this calender. For starters she had a meeting with Sean. Because while Mark didn’t usually know her schedule, she always knew when she had a meeting with Sean.

And certainly if she had one, Chris would have told her. Because Chris warns her when he gets in trouble. That and generally Mark doesn’t do social calls with Sean because he has a habit of getting into trouble.

“Hey Mary?”

“Yes Mark?”

“Why do I have a meeting with Sean in the conference room at 5?”

“Because you have a meeting with Sean in the conference room at 5.”

Mark stared at the other girl from across the desk, she was not stupid, this smelled of a setup of some kind. Of whose was different matter.

“Did Chris call you today?”


“Did Dustin?”


“Did Sean?”

“No but Sean called Chris.”

Sean called Chris? Oh yea, this was definitely a setup.

Thankfully Mary had not been working here long enough to know that Chris would never voluntarily take Sean’s call unless there was a scheme involved or else Mark wouldn’t have gotten a heads up.

Though to figure out the scheme was another issue entirely.


“Hey Wardo,” Sean said into the phone.

Eduardo sighed, how this one conversation on his Facebook page had increased to Sean calling him, he had no idea but now Eduardo wished he had just let it go and never given that dick his number.

“What do you want?” he practically hissed into the phone.

This was all Mark’s fault. This was all Mark’s fault and they weren’t even talking.

Sean had pushed and pulled, and been an ass- and then dropped it on Eduardo through a series of articles that Mark had started making really bad economically bad decisions about Facebook. And Eduardo was a share-holder which meant it had to matter to him too.

So Sean told Eduardo that he was the expert with numbers so he should talk to Mark in person. To which Eduardo flipped, called Chris who then said the same thing. It was then that Eduardo was positive the universe was conspiring against him.

What re-enforced this matter was when Sean asked for his number because it was an EMERGENCY that he talk to Eduardo, not like emergency he just got arrested for cocaine emergency but like emergency Facebook’s value just dropped 2 billion dollars style emergency.

“Mark just quit her position as CEO because of the whole value of the company dropping. I have her resignation letter, in fact so does gawker and businessinsider they just posted it on their blog.”

Eduardo didn’t believe it, he didn’t because that was crazy and Mark would never do that. Until he got the site and saw the title “Zuckerberg resigns from post”.

Eduardo might have booked a flight to Palo Alto.

And Sean might have laughed when Eduardo hung up on him shouting he was going to talk to Mark nothing could stop him and Sean should schedule him a meeting. Sean might have then congratulated himself on knowing that Eduardo would see the title and not bother to open the story saying that Randi had resigned. Oh yea, he was brilliant. (and maybe Chris too for lying to Eduardo about the finances which had gone up not down).


Re: Fill #1, Part 8: Eduardo/girl!Mark leladancer18 August 13 2011, 04:50:49 UTC
I'm so unbelievably happy right now. Everything's looking up, huh? :)


Fill #1, Part 9a: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous September 7 2011, 03:55:24 UTC
Mark didn’t understand why she was sitting in the conference room with Sean Parker, the same Sean Parker that wasn’t even an employee anymore but had for the last two weeks stopped in every single day like he had nothing better to do. Didn’t he have those new music people to terrorize or something?

So they sat, Mark stared blankly at Sean, and Sean made faces as he stood in front of her only escape route. Because clearly he had been taking lessons from Dustin.

“You can’t just stare at me forever.”

Mark was tempted to say ‘wanna bet?’ but it would have ruined the effect of the staring until Sean caved and told her why they were sitting in a conference room waiting for some shareholder.

Sean had earlier that day came running in screaming, “MARK MARK WE HAVE A PROBLEM SOMEONE WANTS TO SELL A 500 MILLION DOLLARS IN SHARES!” As if it explained why they had a conference room meeting at 5pm.

Needless to say that caught everyone’s attention and Chris who should have been handling this despite no longer being a official employee (he still handled the board meetings and the shareholder information since Mark couldn’t be trusted with it) decided that Mark should handle this one. Or so the story was being painted, Mark still wasn’t convinced this looked a little too neat to her.

Call her a girl (or a sexist) but men were never that well organized and they hardly made time for stories fictional or otherwise. They didn’t care enough about details or believability it was all about gullibility.

“What is this? Are we throwing me into the deep end of the pool and hoping I’m not going to drown? Because Hughes this isn’t throwing me into a pool, it’s throwing me into the pacific ocean thirty foot swells without a bathing suit or a life preserver,” she said as he pushed her to meet Sean.

Chris sighed and pushed her a little bit harder, “It’s Sean and unknown quantity shareholder X, we’re not a public company unless it’s the Winklevoss’ twins I’m pretty sure you can handle it. Now if it was them, I would be calling a lawyer.”

Mark let out a last straggled cry before being dumped in front of not so hysterical Sean Parker, people like Sean did not go from overreacting to calm instantly unless something devious was up. But asking for the why, who, or the how meant Mark was forfeiting her scare tactics against Sean. Decisions, Decisions.

Either way she was running out of time. A plan had to be made and implanted it right now.

Mark took one final hard look, concentrating all her effort into unnerving Sean with her ‘bugged’ eyes look. Narrowing them in a way that suggested she would torture him.

Sean either growing a set (or being trained by Chris earlier that day which is what really happened) didn’t budge from his stance of guarding the conference room door.

Then, letting out a small dangerous smile, Mark got up from the leather chair pushed herself up and stood mirroring Sean’s stance. Sean had to keep himself from flinching and moving out of the way because this Mark’s game face. The one that gave before deciding to rip off Google’s head at the pass. The one she gave after her failed meeting with Steve Jobs over a Facebook app for the original iPad.

It was the low down half angry, half villain like sex smile that the woman gave before killing the guy. Mark then wordlessly snapped all her fingers, together. Making them give off a loud crunching noise where the bones cracked bending the fingers backwards.

Sean cringed and wanted to fall to the ground crying, ‘Not the double jointed fingers of doom’ as Dustin once called them actually sinking to his knees and doing that. Mark had a rare talent of having double jointed body parts and she knew how to use them in a way that men didn’t find sexy but scary instead. The way she could make them all do that crunching noise caused even the bravest souls to want to cover their ears.


Fill #1, Part 9b: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous September 7 2011, 03:56:32 UTC
“Okay Okay Okay, I give! I give, just stop the bendy fingers that shouldn’t be able to biologically do that! Eduardo just texted me he’s outside the office, it’s too late. You’ve lost! He’s coming here to talk and you will apologize for being an ass and ruining his life so that I can enjoy my shares and make a ton of money. I did not go through all of this trouble for nothing so don’t you dare pull that ‘I’m a genius and you’re not, I’m right and you’re wrong’ thing you like to do during board meetings. Just be nice because really this is stupid, Facebook cannot be happy until you’re happy and I can’t reach my true shareholder potential until this mess ends- so end it,” Sean demanded.

Mark was going to kill him and Chris.

Already plotting their death, the many ways she had planned it. Oh it would be ugly, Chris her supposedly noble and loyal friend would be strung up from his neck and left to hang on the nearest tree. And Sean Parker, well Mark was going to make him wish he ever wanted to be an executive with the company. His death would be slower, more thought out, involving lasers and knives and rope-

Eduardo was standing outside the door, everything Mark had just been planning was officially out the window. Shit, she was speechless. Sean just moved aside and gave him a charming killer ‘love me’ smile that said he had done some really big favor for Eduardo to get Mark here.

Mark would have normally wondered what happened if she wasn’t so preoccupied with killing Sean.

“Sean? Why do you look so happy to see me?” Eduardo asked suspiciously. Good at least one of them was in the right frame to mind to question the smug charming grin on Sean’s face.

“You’re here, Wardo! To talk some sense into her,” Sean replied motioning over to Mark like she was some wayward school girl lacking all major common sense and guidance from a ‘real adult’.

Eduardo set his gaze on Mark and for the first time, Mark noticed how odd he looked. Not like ugly or weird looking or even jet lagged (though the rings under his eyes suggested he was in fact jet lagged and tired possibly on no sleep) but like he was worried about Mark. Which didn’t make any sense whatsoever because Mark was totally fine that she knew of. Unless like something major happened and her assistant was hiding it (she would fire everyone if that was the case).

The softness in his eyes were unmistakable, Eduardo was full on doe eyed worried. It was like Sean wasn’t even in the room, and even at Eduardo’s worst when he was so mad at Mark that words escaped him. Eduardo always managed to look at Mark like she was sexy (even though the rest of the world didn’t share that opinion), he would stare at her tits a little too fondly. Or he would stare at her wild curls like they were pretty. Right now he was just staring at her, her, not her body, not her eyes, but through her.

Fuck. What the hell did Sean tell him?

Before Mark could even pose a question to Sean, Sean got the idea that his cover was seconds away from being blown and thus got the hint to hightail it.

“Well look at the time, why I don’t I let you two kids catch up? Lots has been going on, and I know you don’t want me here. So I’ll just be outside with the geeks watching the feed,” Sean said quickly opening the door and slamming it shut.

He discreetly locked it when Eduardo’s attention went from his hasty exit to Mark again.

The two of them both stood there in perfect silence. Mark wanted to hide from the look he was giving or ask what the fuck was going on but she paralyzed where she stood, her mouth refused to formulate the words running through her head at a rapid pace.

Eduardo finally broke the silence, “Why did you quit Facebook?” skipping to the point.



Re: Fill #1, Part 9b: Eduardo/girl!Mark leladancer18 September 7 2011, 04:43:38 UTC
Hahaha, "Why did you quit Facebook?" "WHAT?" Hilarious. I'll be looking forward to the next update whenever that is. :)


Re: Fill #1, Part 9b: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous September 23 2011, 03:53:10 UTC
most of the way there. Mostly.


Re: Fill #1, Part 9b: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous September 7 2011, 04:52:12 UTC
I NEED to know, to read the rest
Amazing fic


Re: Fill #1, Part 9b: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous September 23 2011, 03:53:37 UTC
well I did finally update.


Re: Fill #1, Part 9b: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous September 7 2011, 20:24:12 UTC
I'm really enjoying it (just discovered fill)!

and I'm hoping for a new part ;)


Re: Fill #1, Part 9b: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous September 23 2011, 03:53:54 UTC


Re: Fill #1, Part 10: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous September 23 2011, 03:52:14 UTC
“Why would I quit Facebook? It’s my company, I’m not Steve Wozniak or Ronald Wayne,” she hissed insulted at the idea she would just take like a paycheck and live off that for the rest of her life. She’s Bill Gates for sure, in it until she can’t be in it or Steve Jobs after getting fired. One or the other except she totally would never ever get fired.

She would kill the party responsible first and that would include and extend to Chris and Dustin. Mark loves them but Mark loves Mark as CEO more.

Eduardo blinked, part of him was ready to come in here guns blazing listing off all the reasons that Mark should stay on staff but that was really anti-climatic. It was obviously a setup on Sean’s end but why and most importantly what would he have to gain from a two second question that was quickly shut down…

As if Mark could read his mind, she pointed to the door, “It locks on the outside and I’m pretty sure that Sean just locked us in here.”



It was almost laughable why the door locked outside to begin with. When they were contracting the new offices, Mark had wanted space to get away without having her own office. So they thought a lockable conference room was the way to go, except it was supposed to be from the inside. The contractor had hired a bunch of illegals that didn’t understand the language and switched the positions of the lock accidentally. They were supposed to do a free fix-it months ago but never got around to it.

Mark never wanted to strangle someone so badly in her life.

The building manager was getting an earful the second this torture ended.

Sean was getting kicked in the balls, and Chris was getting punched in the face (Chris got off easier because she knew he would never plot that himself).

And if she found out Dustin anything to do with it, she would be hanging him on the tree outside scarecrow style.

“Plotting their deaths won’t help,” Eduardo said breaking her out of her homicidal thoughts.

Mark snorted and pushed herself in one of the chairs around the room, “Kill joy.”

“I shouldn’t have trusted, Chris.”

“What do you mean?”

Eduardo shrugged and kicked back of his right shoe with his left shoe looking pointedly at the floor away from Mark’s gaze. “Chris likes to pretend that he’s an innocent bystander or even the moral compass of Facebook. But let’s face it, he too was smoking the weed on Friday evenings, and he joined in with Facesmash. Somehow I always forget he’s willing to be amoral as the rest of us.”

Mark laughed, she didn’t forget but that was because she had more time with him than Eduardo had. He was devious when he felt it worth being devious. It was kind of true though, Chris loved to play up his moral character even when there was plenty of evidence to contradict that claim.

“You’ve never been to a Facebook meeting. When I don’t pay attention, he gets creative. It’s horrible,” she mourned slightly, she kind of missed when Chris was always around to do that.

He had forgotten truthfully how easy it was actually to talk to Mark, the sad part was he realized how much he missed it and how easily it was to forgive her.

“I loved you,” he blurted out suddenly, why not it worked for Mark, why couldn’t try the same tactic?

Mark froze and then pushed him- hard against the door.


Re: Fill #1, Part 10: Eduardo/girl!Mark skyearth85 September 23 2011, 13:22:00 UTC
Mark loves them but Mark loves Mark as CEO more.

*standing ovation*

He was devious when he felt it worth being devious. It was kind of true though, Chris loved to play up his moral character even when there was plenty of evidence to contradict that claim.

YEAH!!! Yes God, this part should be quoted!!!

great, great fill anon!


Re: Fill #1, Part 10: Eduardo/girl!Mark oresteia October 2 2011, 17:34:04 UTC


Fill #1, Part 11: Eduardo/girl!Mark anonymous October 2 2011, 04:46:12 UTC
I loved you

I loved you

I loved you

I love-d you

-ed, past tense, loved, loved, loved

He was taunting Mark, she felt the air getting sucked out of the locked conference room. It was like thinking you had won the lottery only to realize you accidentally or perhaps dyslexically looked at the last two numbers the wrong way. So close, a cheer, a moment where the Hallelujah is playing, then the needle on the record player skips a beat, and BAM heaven over.

Part of her wanted to hurt him, the other part wanted to cry. The more violent option had temporarily taken hold when she shoved him against the door hard, the part near tears held him against the wall. Eduardo just standing there on his tip toes like she was a foot taller than him (instead of shorter) and like her eyes were shooting laser beams at him. His eyes round and large, almost bugged eye liked Steve Busecmi ordinarily she would have laughed at the idea that anyone intimidated by her but this was Eduardo.

This was hardly what she called funny or a laughable instance. If anything, Mark wondered why she wasn’t the one gripping the wall like it was her only lifeline. He had hurt her not the other way around. Who here had the right to be afraid him or her? She never tried to hit him after all.

For all of Eduardo’s chivalry, he loved to pretend that he never raised a hand to her. Mark loved to pretend that she didn’t hope he would really hit her. Sean probably would have killed him if he had, so might have Dustin but Mark was always a big fan of equal opportunity. If she had swung first (and in her own way she had), then he should have swung right back. He did without the fist, she thought it had been the lawsuit actually it was this very moment.

If nothing else, Eduardo’s timid almost fearful gaze had subsided some and now he was starting pointedly at her red nails that held him against the wall like they were interesting. Like it was interesting that Mark had not removed her hands from his chest.

“You paint your nails?” he asked instead of calling attention to the fact that she was indeed still touching him.

Mark might have wondered briefly if she had time rip off his shirt and lick him until he decided he loved her again. She might have a problem called Eduardoism.

Mark rolled her eyes and retorted with a ice cold voice, “Contrary to popular belief, I am a woman. Not that you ever noticed, Wardo.”

Then he snapped, he just simply put snapped. He had gone from being angry at himself, to hurt, to slightly unnerved that Mark had actually shoved him and was touching him, to mildly turned on, but now he was furious. Who the fuck did she think she was?

After all this time, Eduardo had always known Mark was a girl, it was Mark that seemed to not understand that he was flesh in blood male. A male that saw her and only her. That put her needs above his, that took care of her day in and day out. And she thought he was ignoring the signs? Forget talking.

Eduardo grabbed her hands and shoved them to the side, before Mark even had a chance to gasp, Eduardo pulled and flipped spots with her so that she was now facing the door. He placed his arms tightly around her back and pulled her until she was leaned so closely in that a piece of paper couldn’t fit in-between them.

If this had been a romance movie, he might have kissed her. But it wasn’t, this was five years of frustration and so instead of kissing her- Eduardo started putting pressure on her. Not enough to injure or scare her but enough to show Mark that he wasn’t playing around.

“You think I didn’t notice? I’m not the one who was blind, Mark. I would clean your room, make you dinner. I got the Winklevoss twins to back off. You would walk around sporting how you hated feminism because it made females look weaker that you didn’t anything to make you pretty. Yet you had no problem with spa days or flirting with a guy, or showing your tits for his cooperation. I loved you but I also hate you not because of Facebook or Sean but because of you, Mark. Always the misunderstood victim, never the intentional villain but in my story you were. It kills me that I was your slave and you never even noticed,” Eduardo said practically a step away from punching the locked door and breaking his hand.


Re: Fill #1, Part 11: Eduardo/girl!Mark leladancer18 October 2 2011, 06:58:22 UTC
Intense and emotional....oh, I love it.


Re: Fill #1, Part 11: Eduardo/girl!Mark oresteia October 10 2011, 02:52:47 UTC
danke^^ I would have logged out but I kept forgetting to do it and I didn't want more time to pass and seem like a bigger ass.


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