Clerks 2 and where i've been?

Jul 22, 2006 15:47

Let's go backwards, because i KNOW how you love it when i switch up...


Anyways... So, after a long hiatus, i decided to post a journal entry? WHY? Who the fuck knows. Everytime i end up posting here, i regret it, but i thought... what if i really went back to LJ, said things that were really in my mind... and tried not to be such a pansy ass punk who caused shit because he was bored.

Wonder what would happen?

ANYWAYS, i visited New Mexico, it was gorgeous, but a bit hot for my liking. Of course, it had to rain at least two days i was there, even though it hadn't rained in like, 2 years (yes, years). Not any noticiable rain though. My aunt and uncle whom i visited and all their friends said I needed to come back more often, because i bring the rain. Funny.

It was really great out there. I could see myself living there, once i got used to the heat. One thing that bugged the crap out of me though is that i would go 1 mile or 2 off the main highways and my cell signal would drop like a prostitute who had just been shown a 50 dollar bill. I predict though, that within the next 5 years, the surrounding area of ABQ (Albequerque to those of use who don't use Airport codes in normal everyday discussion) will be expanded beyond belief, houses will be insanely expensive, and there'll be cell towers everywhere.

Still not really with anyone. I've been dating here and there, but not really anything to write home to mom about, if you know what i mean. It's not like i'm trying too hard or not hard enough. I think i'm just becoming more comfortable with people, initiating contact... being more outgoing (if thats possible), experiencing more in the realms of emotion, mental and physical feelings, etc. I don't know, i'd imagine the past few months or so would be a guy's "college years." I guess that means i've been drinking too much (check) and having sex with random girls i meet at bars (check).

Man, i can't wait till i graduate and get out of this place (check).

Stay tuned, judging by my time table, by December... i'll hit the "real world", have a "real job", and be ready for a "real relationship."

All only 10 years too late :)

Saw Clerks 2. Now let me first start of by saying that i love Kevin Smith. He and Curt Schilling might be the ONLY men i'd take a shot in the back of the mouth for. But seriously....

I actually liked Clerks 2. It wasn't as pure-comedic-genius as Clerks. It wasn't as thought provoking or 'fuck with your mind' as Dogma or Chasing Amy. It didn't have as many dick and fart jokes as Mallrats and Jay and Silent Bob. It definitely wasn't Jersey Girl (although, on it's own, i think Jersey Girl might be one of the MOST underrated movies of all times ... damn you Bennifer!)

It wasn't what i expected at all. But, if you're a Kevin Smith fan, i'd recommend it.

Is that enough? I'm off to Providence to a happy hour at Dave and Busters... never been, looking forward to it.
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